WATCH: Hero or Accomplice? The Controversial Turn in a Store Robbery Incident

in Authors, Kimber Pearce, This Week
Fox 11 was one of many news sources to show the viral video.

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

An attempted convenience store robbery went viral last week and has left people scratching their heads.

A bystander who witnessed the event originally released footage he had recorded on his Instagram. KCRA reports that other accounts subsequently copied and reposted the video.

The original “camera guy,” who asked to be called “Deda,” stepped forward to explain the events in the video.

Startled By A Robbery

According to reports, Deda owned his own business a half-mile away from the 7-Eleven in Stockton, California. He had stopped by to get gas and a drink when he noticed something that startled him.

In the video, we can see the robber with a blue shirt wrapped around his head. He grabbed a trash can and took it behind the counter. Deda tells local news affiliates that he wanted to “maintain neutral” and opted to film the proceedings, rather than intercede.

The suspect, who seems to have gone unidentified, began to fill the trash can with cigarette boxes. The video, which goes on for five minutes, shows the robber shouting expletives and threatening violence against those in the store. 

In the course of the robbery, Deda can be heard asking the suspect for “swishers.” Of course, he was ignored. He repeatedly defended the robber, telling the employees to “just let him go” and “there’s nothing you can do.”

Robber Gets A Beating

This twisted robbery finally took a sharp turn when the suspect attempted to push past an employee. Rather than sit back, the employee stopped him and held him while another employee brought out a long stick. 

To quote Deda, “And then the fiasco happens.”

Apparently fed up with his threats, the employees proceeded to beat the robber. According to a Twitter report from KCRA, this was the third time the suspect had stopped by the store and threatened them.

The beating went on for several minutes, as the video shows. The suspect had received over 20 hits before Deda stepped in. At this point, the robber was crying and claiming that he couldn’t walk now.

Deda claims that he was the one who eventually de-escalated the situation. Deda told KKTV, “I had to get really stern with my words. ‘It’s enough’ so they kind of stopped.” Continuing on, he said that he was explaining the situation. “He doesn’t have a gun. He’s all right. Are you done? Are you done? Are you done?”

A Bizarre Robbery Ends

Eventually, the robber was allowed to leave, escorted out by Deda. He instructed the robber not to “come back here no more,” going so far as to say that the robber risked being shot if he returned.

Adding to the bizarre nature of the situation, the suspect asked for a soda before leaving the building

After the events concluded, the employees filed a police report.

The investigation is ongoing, and so far no one appears to have been charged. Rumors are circulating that the two employees who beat the robber could be given assault charges. 

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When asked for any final thoughts, Deda said he was worried what would have happened if he hadn’t “stepped in” and stopped the beating. He claims that the city needs to “learn how to love each other.”


Despite the severity of the beating, the irony lies in the robber emerging as a victim. Meanwhile, Deda has effectively positioned himself as a hero.

Is there heroism in remaining passive during a crime? Was Deda justified in his stance as a “neutral” observer? Were the employees’ actions appropriate in response?

The entire situation was complex and tumultuous, leaving us to wonder about the potential repercussions.

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