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Jury Rules Man Shot In Self-Defense During April Mall Shooting

Jury Delivers Verdict for Man Who Shot YouTube Prankster — Correct Decision?

Delivery driver involved in April mall shooting found not guilty by Virginia jury who ruled it self-defense last week. 

Texas Homeowner Shoots Drunk Intruder

According to reports from KENS5, the intruder mistakenly thought the house was his own.

Chicago Home Invader Shot, Carried Away On Stretcher

According to FBI crime statistics, a home invasion occurs every 30 seconds in the United States, in other words, upwards of 3,000 invasions per day. This stuff really does happen constantly, and it’s about time people start realizing it could happen anytime, in any neighborhood, to any one of us.

Intruder in a Box: A Better Way to Test Self-Defense Ammunition?

Intruder in a Box: A Better Way to Test Self-Defense Ammunition?

I’ve done a number of my own gel tests with self-defense and hunting handgun rounds and watched ammunition company staff do many more of these tests.

Dekalb County Homeowner Defends Against Car Break-In, Shoots Two Suspects

Reports are still in a very preliminary stage but it appears the homeowner from Dekalb County wasn’t about to let his car get stolen.

WATCH: Hero or Accomplice? The Controversial Turn in a Store Robbery Incident

An attempted convenience store robbery went viral last week and has left people scratching their heads.

Wrong Door Or Attempted Burglary? Man Fatally Shot In Atlanta

Police are saying that the call came in at around 1 in the morning. The original 911 call indicated an attempted burglary, but when they arrived it had escalated to “shots fired.”

2 - Lights and Lasers for CCW?

Lights and Lasers for CCW?

A good way to start a fight amongst your friends is to bring up the subject of lights and lasers for concealed carry guns. Opinions run strong on this one, and they are all over the map. Some will tell you lasers build bad habits, and you should never have one. Some will tell you lights get in the way on a CCW piece, and you shouldn’t use one anyway. And some will just tell you that if John Moses Browning intended you to have a laser and light, he would have built one back in 1910.

Philly Woman Decides Not To Be A Victim, Shoots To Defend Herself From Burglars

Police say the Philly woman came home late Sunday night to find four men in her house without an invitation.

ATM User Turns Tables on Robbers in San Antonio, Both Suspects Fatally Wounded

A man is being investigated after fatally shooting two ATM robbers last weekend.