WATCH: Legally-Armed Customer Holds Beer And Shoots Robbery Suspect

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Kimber Pearce, This Week

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Watch the new footage from when a beer-toting customer shot a robber last month.

Surveillance footage was released three days ago, showing us exactly what happened. The incident started when the robber walked in. Police say he pulled a mask over his face while saying, “You know why I’m here.”

The gas station in Michigan has videos from two angles showing the suspect, the clerk, and another customer buying beer at the moment things heated up. 

The robber, now identified as 35-year-old Cordelius Anthony Martin, went behind the counter. He reportedly threatened the clerk, telling him to empty the cash register. 

A customer, who declined to share his name, was in the store when the incident occurred. According to police, he “saw the fear on [the clerk’s] face” and pulled his legally owned firearm. 

The Hero Was Buying Beer

According to Wood TV, the customer was holding a “six-pack of light beer” when he fired at the robber. The robber, who had been using a boxcutter as a weapon, dropped to the ground.

The video footage shows that the customer, still holding the beer, approached and fired 3 more shots. Wood TV says that a liquor bottle was hit. 

One final shot was fired, and the customer shot at the robber a total of 7 times.

Martin was hit in the arm, back, and face. He attempted to crawl towards the beer-toting customer, who went out to his car to retrieve another magazine. He held Martin at gunpoint until police arrived.

Martin sustained severe gunshot injuries and was recently released from the hospital.

The Consequences of the Attempted Robbery

Martin was charged on multiple counts, and as a convicted felon, he could face up to life in prison for this attempted robbery. As of the most recent news, he is being held on bail of $100,000.

The customer who saved the day lives four blocks from the minimart and had an a valid Concealed Carry Permit. He is waiting to hear from police if his act of shooting will result in charges. 

READ MORE: CNN Gushes Over Former Marine Who Voluntarily Turns Over Guns to Police 

When asked about it, the county prosecutor, Victor Fitz had a few things to say.

“In Michigan, obviously, we do have defense of others as part of the law in Michigan, that you can defend others if they’re in a situation that there’s dangerous force being used against them,” he said regarding the customer’s response to Martin’s actions.

“And certainly in this case, we’ll be looking at the facts in regard to that,” he added. 

The clerk, while refusing to show his face on camera, told Wood TV that the customer “saved his life.”

Do you think the customer’s actions were right?

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