World’s Fastest Pistol Shooter Joins Team CZ

in Authors, Industry News, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
World's Fastest Pistol Shooter Joins Team CZ

Congrats to Team CZ for landing the amazing Eric Grauffel.

One of the fastest pistol shooters in the known universe, Grauffel is an eight-time World IPSC Champion and a seven-time European IPSC Champion.

Eric, a native of France, also has the incredible distinction of winning 191 IPSC Presidential Medals. Fast, accurate, and incredibly reliable — not unlike CZ’s lineup — Eric should feel right at home with Team CZ.

What brought Eric to CZ?

“New projects, new opportunities,” he told GunsAmerica. “I’m excited to shoot new guns in the multi-divisional landscape that is the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC).”

Eric added that he isn’t excited about any one particular opportunity at the moment because “everything which has been offered is a great challenge.”

As for what CZ hardware he’ll be using for the various division, he hasn’t made any final decisions.

“I am shooting a bit of everything,” said Grauffel. “I shot my first match in Production [Division] a few weeks ago with a CZ Shadow 2. Now I am busy setting up an Open [Division] gun, and waiting for my optic ready to be assembled with my C-More Systems sight.”

On the corporate end, the top brass is super happy about the latest addition to Team CZ.

“Eric’s unparalleled shooting skills, competitive spirit, and general good nature is a perfect fit to the CZ family,” Jakub Sondel, CZ’s Head of Marketing Communication, told GunsAmerica.

“Aside from what Eric brings to the table in a competitive and team environment, we’re also excited about the feedback he’ll provide to our product managers as well as the role he’ll play as an ambassador for CZ’s new shooting Academy in Quimper, France — Eric’s hometown.

“This world-class facility is going to be a game changer,” Sondel continued, “and a destination for shooters from around the world.”

Details of the Academy will launch in the very near future, visit to learn more.  Congrats to Eric and best of luck to Team CZ!

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