WATCH: CNN Reports on Why More Liberal-Leaning Women Are Buying Guns

in News Wire, This Week, Uncategorized

CNN’s David Culver ran a report this week on why many Left-leaning women are buying guns.

Perhaps the key line in the video, which has been embedded above, came from Laronya Day who recently organized a trip to the Fortune Firearms gun range in the San Jacinto Valley with six of her girlfriends.

“Our society and climate is changing… it’s just better to be prepared for your own safety and protection. That’s how we feel,” Day told CNN.

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Another line that stuck out came from firearms instructor Tom Nguyen, who founded the LA Progressive Shooters in 2020.

“The more I educate those who are formally anti-gun the more they actually realize that there’s more nuance to it,” he explained.

“It’s really convenient to think that if we just ban an object, if we just ban guns, then all of our problems would be solved – all of society’s problems would be solved – but that’s not true,” he added.

What did you think of CNN’s report?

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