Watch As Drunk UConn Student Gets Taken Down After Belligerent Tirade

in Authors, Current Events, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

When carrying concealed, how do you deal with drunks? It’s an important question, one that I don’t believe I’ve posed before but in the (NSFW) video above it shows just how annoying and confrontational drunks can be.

I suppose the answer is to ignore them or avoid them, but that’s not always easy, especially if it happens while you’re at work.

Do you have any experience in dealing with drunks while carrying or openly or concealed?

To give you some background information on the video above, the incident occurred late Sunday night around 10 p.m. when 19-year-old Luke V. Gatti of Bayville, NY, walked into a campus restaurant drunk and began demanding macaroni and cheese.

“Upon arrival police saw Gatti being detained by Union Street Market employees,” the report said. “Police took Gatti into custody and learned through statements that Gatti had been refused service due to drinking alcohol in the market. After being told to leave several times, Gatti refused and became verbally and physically abusive with staff. Gatti shoved the manager several times before he was detained by staff.”

Read more at the Hartford Courant.

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