Watch as 60,000 Bump Stocks Are Destroyed

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

This Tuesday marked the launch of a new holiday, “National Destroy Your Bump Stock Day.” To celebrate the occasion, 60,000 bump stocks were crushed by an industrial strength shredder at a recycling facility in Fort Worth, Texas.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) oversaw the destruction of the reciprocating stocks, which were supplied by Texas-based retailer RW Arms.

Unlike any other national holiday, participation in National Destroy Your Bump Stock Day is compulsory. Owners of the firearm part who refuse to either turn it over to their local ATF field office or destroy it face a felony offense which may include a fine of $250,000 and up to 10 years in prison.

As you’re undoubtedly aware, National Destroy Your Bump Stock Day was created by the Trump administration in 2018 which unilaterally decided that this device was to be redefined as a “machinegun” despite previous ATF determinations articulating that it is a “firearm part” and “is not regulated as a firearm under the Gun Control Act or the National Firearms Act.”

RW Arms acquired their inventory of 60,000 bump stocks from SlideFire Solutions, the original manufacturer of bump stocks after SlideFire closed its doors last year. Before the “holiday” kicked in, RW Arms was selling them for $100-$450 a piece. Yet, despite the millions of dollars in lost revenue, RW Arms did not seem too upset about the development.

“As of March 26, all bump stocks are officially banned. Any remaining stocks must be destroyed and are illegal. Our remaining inventory is being crushed, but we’re not all down about it. We still have several top-name brand products available on As we continue to grow as your leading firearm parts retailer, we will continually keep you updated on important industry news,” the company said on Facebook.

SEE ALSO: Here’s Why ATF Approved Bump Stock But Not AutoGlove

The founder of Open Carry Texas CJ Grisham, on the other hand, refuses to participate in National Destroy Your Bump Stock Day. This party-pooper argued that the holiday violates his Second Amendment rights.

“I am absolutely not going to turn my bump stock in because it’s not illegal to have a bump stock,” Grisham told CBSDFW.

“I fought for these rights,” Grisham, a retired Army 1SG, continued “I fought for the rights to keep and bear arms. If I’m going to fight overseas for those liberties, I’m sure as heck not going to give up and home and not fight for them.”

How unpatriotic of Grisham not to join in on the fun. I mean, what’s more fun than to take something you spent your hard-earned dollars on and break it so it’s completely useless? Or, by the same token, to turn that thing over to the government and receive no compensation for it. Basically, piss away money. Now, that’s a great time, right?

With an estimated 500,000 bump stocks in circulation, National Destroy Your Bump Stock Day must’ve been a huge success.

You know, I was going to join my fellow revelers in the celebration but the strangest thing happen. All my bump stocks were suddenly stolen. So, I can’t destroy what I no longer own. Oh well.

Did you celebrate National Destroy Your Bump Stock Day?

(Editor’s note: This article employed the use of sarcasm.  There is no such thing as National Destroy Your Bump Stock Day.  Hopefully, that was obvious.)

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