10 Rumors From 2016 SHOT Show We Wish Were True

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2016, This Week

The rumor mill at SHOT Show is always in overdrive. With 80,000-plus vendors, distributors, exhibitors, media members in attendance, all there to showcase, try out and report on the latest and greatest industry products, rumors spread like wildfire.

I guess what happens is it’s a giant game of telephone. People talk. And people listen. However, they don’t often hear what’s being said. Instead, they hear something else, which creates confusion and more confusion and then that confusion begins to crystallize into rumor. Or, people just flat-out lie, and the credulous folks at the show pass on those lies to other credulous folks, and on and on, until the show is abuzz with rumors.

Well, we decided to write down and record some of the rumblings we heard from the show floor to humor ourselves. We couldn’t help it. Some of them were too funny not to share. Here is a list of the top 10 rumors from SHOT Show 2016.

Sorry folks, can't put triangular bullets in there.

Sorry folks, can’t put triangular bullets in there.

1. Kimber revolver shoots triangular projectiles 

Arguably, the story of the show was Kimber’s debut of the K6S, a satin finished, stainless steel revolver chambered in .357 Magnum/.38 Special.

Apparently, the fact that Kimber is now making revolvers wasn’t a big enough news story for some as rumors began to circulate that the K6S shoots triangular bullets. Hilarious. And, of course, not true.

Hilarious. And, of course, not true.

2. Ruger, Larry Vickers collaboration 

Rumor has it that Larry Vickers and Ruger are collaborating on a Gunsite Scout, chambered in FN 5.7x28mm.  The iconic rifle will have an MSRP of $1,299 and will hit store shelves in August.

Nope.  Don’t believe it.  Not true!

3. Colt working on AK-47

To help recovery from years of financial turmoil, Colt is now producing AK-47s.  These new rifles give whole new meaning to “American-made AK.”

Hahahaha.  We wish.  Not true!

4. AK-12 ready for importation 

Speaking of AKs, the AK-12 is ready for importation, landing stateside sometime in early March.

Hickok45 got himself an early look at the AK-12, but was unable to post the video because Youtube shut him down for violating a non-disclosure.

Yup, don’t believe any of that.

5. Caitlyn Jenner to host next year’s State of the Industry Dinner 

I heard this one while I was using the John.  Yeah, it’s a tall tale if there ever was one.  Caitlyn Jenner — not that there’s anything wrong with that — just isn’t going to host the industry dinner for the National Shooting Sports Foundation.  No chance.

That said, it would be fun to watch, wouldn’t it?  LOL.

Caitlyn Jenner, the next host of the NSSF Industry Dinner?

Caitlyn Jenner, the next host of the NSSF Industry Dinner?

6. Brownells unveils line of Remington 700 action receivers, Bolts

Brownells is introducing their own line Remington 700 action receivers and bolts for custom builders.  These parts will be available online at the conclusion of SHOT.

Nope.  Not true.

7. Colt now making snake guns?  

This is a rumor every year at the show.  But this year, it just may be true.  Really, no joke.  Check it out. We got the news from the Colt booth, during the show–and we were looking at classic Colt .32s, too. If you’d told me last year they’d be making 1904s, and 1908s, I would have told you you were crazy.

And if it’s not true, maybe we just need to continue to put on the pressure until the make em!  Heck, I’ll be a buyer so long as the pricepoint is reasonable.

8. Armalite making AR platform shotgun 

AR-platform shotguns are en vogue. We know that because of the release of Standard Manufacturing’s SKO.

But rumor has it that Armalite is jumping into the game as well.  Is this just fiction or is there some truth to it?  On this one, we don’t really know. I’d love to have an Armalite shotgun.

9. Funker Tactical joining forces with IraqVet8888

Can it be true?  Are two of our favorite tubers officially joining forces in 2016?

Rumors are circulating that this actually went down, but we have yet to verify it.

I tested the pistol with (12) different types of .22LR ammunition - a lot of it.

The government has boxes and boxes of .22lr for sale…

10. Government selling excess .22 Long Rifle to public

After years and years of stockpiling .22lr, the Department of Defense has plans to sell off excess .22 LR to shooters, sportsman, collectors and hobbyists via the Civilian Marksmanship Program.

Millions of rounds will be available at a discounted rate.  Boxes of the .22 LR will go up for sale starting in July.

Nope.  Not True.  LOL.

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