Oops! Wrong Door! Footage Shows Marshals Holding Young Mother, Baby At Gunpoint 

in Current Events, Police State, This Week

“Jamar,” the murder suspect U.S. Marshals were looking for was not in Kada Staples’ Tampa apartment, nor was he ever. 

The young mother presumably never met the man the feds were looking for. 

But they were at her door with guns last Friday, insisting, “We know he’s in there.”  

“I cracked the door open and they pushed the door open and pushed me and my baby out of the way. They are holding us at gunpoint screaming. There is a gun about a foot away from her face,” Staples told local news affiliate Fox8 in a recent interview.

The Marshals kept yelling, “We know Jamar is in there.”

“With that, they run in my apartment. There’s probably six or seven of them out there with guns. Three or four of them run into my apartment and are running around. They are still yelling at me that I’m lying,” said Staples.

SEE ALSO: Texas Man Charged with Murder After Shooting Someone in a Car in His Driveway

Clearly, they were at the wrong location.  Once the Marshals realized they had made a mistake, they left in a hurry.  

Staples claims that they didn’t apologize for scaring the daylights out of her.  

“No sorry, no nothing. They tell me, ‘You’re good,’ and another one said, ‘You’re fine,’” said Staples.

Staples placed a follow-up call with the U.S. Marshals Service in the hopes that they could provide her with a mental health counselor to help her cope with the anxiety triggered by the encounter.  

She told Fox8 that the operator on the phone told her to pop a melatonin and “get over it.”  

No word yet if the Marshals who were at the scene will face any disciplinary action for getting it wrong.  

This raises the question, should they be punished for making a mistake that evidently traumatized Ms. Staples? 

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