North Carolina Gov. Signs Bill Allowing National Guard to Conceal Carry

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Brent McCluskey, Current Events, This Week

In the wake of the Chattanooga terrorist attacks on military recruit and reserve centers, North Carolina’s governor signed a bill giving National Guard members the means to protect themselves.

Gov. Pat McCrory signed into law bill HB 371, which allows National Guard members to conceal carry at work. It also permits victims of terrorist attacks to civilly sue the perpetrators.

“We must fulfill our obligation to protect those who protect us,” said Gov. McCroy. “This law will give the National Guard the tools they need to keep themselves, and the public, safe.”

It could be said that this bill is “better late than never,” but many find it difficult to understand why the government disarmed our servicemen and women in the first place.

During the Chattanooga attack, one Navy officer and a Marine were carrying a firearm against orders and engaged gunman Muhammad Abdulazeez. Had those men not fought off Abdulazeez, it’s entirely possible the casualty list would have been much higher.

Now, however, every North Carolina military recruit and reserve center will be brimming with highly trained men and women who are legally carrying a firearm.

“The terrorists want to come into our borders – into the United States – and cause havoc, and cause loss of life, and disturb the way of life that we have here in the United States of America and North Carolina, and we’re not going to have it,” said McCroy.

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