Navy SEAL Gives Great Advice on Self-Defense, Martial Arts

in Authors, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

What’s the best way to defend oneself in this day and age? Well, according to former Navy SEAL and Jiu-Jitsu aficionado Jocko Willink, it’s about what you might expect.

“First and foremost, if you’re talking about true self-defense to protect yourself from other evil human beings in the world, it’s a gun. Concealed carry,” Willink says in this interview on martial arts.

“And that is what you should train to do,” he continued. “You should go to the range, you should get a gun, and if you’re in situations where you need to protect yourself that is how you protect yourself.”

Amen.  Of course, he doesn’t stop there.  He also discusses, albeit briefly, his favorite forms of martial arts and how one ought to prioritize one’s training, especially when jumping into the field for the first time.

Pretty cool video.  I think he’s got a pretty sound approach, and also the experience to back it up as well.

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