Joe Rogan: ‘You Can’t Let the Government Tell You Whether or Not You Can Own A Weapon’

in Authors, Current Events, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

Let me start off by saying, THIS IS NSFW — not safe for work — aka contains expletives!!!

Okay, now that I’ve gotten that outta the way, I’ve been watching a lot of gun-related videos online lately.  I like to see who outside the gun community is jumping into the fray.

I came across this video of comedian and MMA aficionado Joe Rogan talking about the Second Amendment.  He makes some pretty valid points, albeit using colorful language.

In any event, it’s always nice to hear celebrities tell it like it is.

SEE ALSO: Howard Stern’s Pro-Gun Rant: Imagine if Jews had AR-15s

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