Is An Expedited Death Penalty the Best Way to Stop Mass Shooters?

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week

At the Republican debate on Wednesday night, former Vice President Mike Pence posited a solution to curtail mass killings in the U.S.: implementing an expedited death penalty for convicted active shooters.

“I’m someone that believes that justice delayed is justice denied. … As a grandfather of three beautiful little girls, I’m sick and tired of the mass shootings happening in the United States of America,” Pence said.

“And if I’m president of the United States, I’m going to go to the Congress of the United States, and we’re going to pass a federal expedited death penalty for anyone involved in a mass shooting, so they will meet their fate in months, not years,” he continued.

Pence then remarked on the Parkland tragedy, calling it “unconscionable” that the perpetrator of the Marjory Stoneman-Douglas High School massacre did not get to meet his maker. Instead, the assailant received a life sentence. 

“That’s not justice. We have to mete out justice and send a message to the would-be killers that you are not going to live out your days behind bars,” Pence said.  

Mike Pence at the podium of the 2nd GOP debate.
“That’s not justice. We have to mete out justice and send a message to the would-be killers that you are not going to live out your days behind bars,” Pence said. (Photo: Fox Business)

SEE ALSO: Newsom Goes Nuts! Signs Bevy of Anti-Gun Bills Into Laws — 11% Tax on Firearms, Gun-Free Zones, More!

Pence’s statements on the hallowed stage of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif., certainly resonated far and wide.

Newsom Weighs In On Using Death Penalty to Deter Mass Shooters

California Gov. Gavin Newsom was apoplectic after hearing the former vice president double down on his position.

“Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic,” Newsom told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow. “He’s been saying this now for months. I cringe every time I hear this.”

Newsom argued that many of these killers don’t plan to see the light of day following their attacks.

“What a joke, that that somehow is a deterrent,” chided Newsom. “Number one killer of our kids is guns, and that was a solution tonight? That was a debate for the next president of the United States on how to deal with mass shootings? I don’t want to say disqualifying. But honestly, for a former vice president, pathetic.”

Newsom, of course, believes the best way to end mass shootings is to roll back the rights of law-abiding gun owners via restrictions on concealed carry (more gun-free zones), “sin taxes” on firearms and ammunition, sweeping bans on commonly owned firearms and accessories, and fallible technologies like microstamping.

In your estimation, who has the better plan? Mike Pence or Gov. Newsom?

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