Homeowner Fatally Shoots Brother During Burglary Attempt

in Authors, Defensive Use of Firearms, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

A homeowner fatally shot his brother during a foiled robbery on Saturday in Indianapolis, local media reports.

Police said that the homeowner thwarted a burglary in progress being perpetrated by the homeowner’s brother.

After calling police to report the incident, the homeowner confronted the suspect who had entered the residence through a rear window.

There was an altercation, during which the homeowner drew a firearm and used deadly force.

When Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department officers arrived on scene, the intruder was dead.

According to MPD, the dead brother had prior felony convictions and was arrested for the possession of a handgun and stolen property.

Investigators are still examining the case to see if the homeowner will face any charges.

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