Full Conceal’s ‘Folding Glock’ M3D Pistol w/ 33 Round Capacity! – SHOT Show 2018

in Authors, Clay Martin, Industry News, SHOT Show 2018

Full Conceal rocked the concealed carry market with their folding Glock a few years ago.  It’s a polymer pistol that folds up to be no bigger than a cell phone!

Last year at SHOT 2017, Paul got a chance to see some of the prototypes that showed promise but we’re still not ready for prime time.  Walking away from that experience, there was a question about whether this fledgling company would ever bring its innovative design to market.

Well, we now know the answer. Full Conceal has perfected their folding-pocket-gun-concept in the “M3D Semi-Automatic Pistol.”  At SHOT 2018, I got a chance to see this out-of-the-box pistol in person.


Full Conceal's 'Folding Glock' M3D Pistol w/ 33 Round Capacity! - SHOT Show 2018

Full Conceal’s M3D pistol.



Full Conceal's 'Folding Glock' M3D Pistol w/ 33 Round Capacity! - SHOT Show 2018

Available on the website for $1,399.



  • Standard Capacity 21+1
  • Also Designed for 33 Mags
  • Frame: Glock 19
  • No Holster Required
  • MSRP: $1,399


Full Conceal's 'Folding Glock' M3D Pistol w/ 33 Round Capacity! - SHOT Show 2018

That’s the premise in a nutshell. Full-sized gun in a truly concealable package.

Essentially, the Full Conceal is a Glock cut at the top of the grip, and then hinged to fold. Part of the goal was to keep as many of the original Glock parts intact as possible.  Apart from the addition of the folding mechanism and a folding trigger safety that modifies the trigger shoe, most of the G19 remains unchanged, including the firing pin safety and drop safety.

The result is a folding Glock with a radically altered footprint.  As mentioned, it’s about the size of a cell phone. Not exactly your Grandpappy’s flip phone, but a phone nonetheless. You are still dealing with Glock thickness, after all.

Because the design fully covers the trigger, it is safe to carry with a round chambered and no holster, a big plus for those that prefer pocket carry. A simple pull snaps the gun back together, making it ready to get some as needed.  Standard capacity is a 21-round magazine.  But the M3D will also work with a 33-round magazine!  Crazy, right?  Check out the video for how it works.

This is a cool product, if for no other reason than the mechanical ingenuity involved. I can find no fault with the idea, or how it was executed. Is it for everyone? No, not by a long shot. It’s not for me either. But it is cool, and I wish them the best. If you haven’t seen one in action, it is worth stopping by your local dealer.


Full Conceal's 'Folding Glock' M3D Pistol w/ 33 Round Capacity! - SHOT Show 2018

The folding mechanism slides the mag right into place.



Full Conceal's 'Folding Glock' M3D Pistol w/ 33 Round Capacity! - SHOT Show 2018

Still dealing with Glock 19 thickness, which is 1.18-inches.



The MSRP is $1,399.  A lot of you are going to complain about that price tag.  But bear in mind that this is a new company that is probably still looking to get into the black after years of development and research dollars spent.  I’ve also seen some listed on GunsAmerica for under $1,000.

To learn more about the Full Conceal M3D pistol, visit FullConceal.com.

Full Conceal's 'Folding Glock' M3D Pistol w/ 33 Round Capacity! - SHOT Show 2018

Be on the lookout for the single-stack option to hit gun stores this Spring.

***Shop for a Full Conceal M3D Pistol on GunsAmerica***


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