Concealed-Carrying Exterminator Shoots Armed Robber Trying To Steal his Sunglasses

in Authors, Brent McCluskey, Defensive Use of Firearms, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

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A Detroit exterminator was prepared to deal with more just common pests when an armed robber demanded his sunglasses.

Joe Lanier, 22, has a concealed carry permit and was quick on the draw when a 17-year-old crook stuck a gun in his face. Instead of handing over his sunglasses, Lanier fired seven rounds at the suspect, hitting him several times.

“The boy tried to rob me, and I shot him,” said Lanier. “That’s what happened. He was on my window with his gun and if I wasn’t on my ‘P’s’ and ‘Q’s’ I would have been gone.”

A reporter asked Lanier if he thought his actions saved his life.

“Oh yeah,” said Lanier. “That’s why he’s in the hospital and not me.”

Lanier’s mother is also a licensed concealed carrier and advocates being armed at all times.

“Thank God it’s not my son and I’m not burying him,” said Lanier’s mother. “So if your children do not have any felonies, I advise everyone to pack. I pack, my sons pack, and we’re all legal with it.”

The suspect was hospitalized and remains in critical condition.

No charges have been brought against Lanier.

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