CCW Holder Shoots At Fleeing Shoplifter: Big No! No!?

in Authors, Current Events, Defensive Use of Firearms, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

When a loss prevention Home Depot employee in Auburn Hills, Michigan failed to stop a shoplifter exiting the store, a woman with a concealed carry decided to intervene.

Unfortunately, the woman did not exercise sound judgment when she confronted the suspect who was already in his vehicle fleeing the scene — she opened fire.

“The shoplifter then got into a dark-colored SUV and begin to flee,” says Lt Jill McDonnell of Auburn Hills Police Department.

“The customer, who was a CPL holder, then fired shots at the vehicle,” McDonnell says. “(We) believe they blew out at least one of the tires on the vehicle.”

Police said that instead of firing at the vehicle, the woman should have attempted to record pertinent information and then phone the police.

“Take down information; write down description; wait for police; or call the police department,” McDonnell says.

Investigators are still looking for the suspect and his getaway driver.

“We are looking for two people,” McDonnell says. “The driver of the small black sport utility vehicle with a flat tire was driven by an African-American male in 40s. And then the suspect who fled the store was a white male between 40 and 50 years old, wearing a black T-shirt with yellow writing on it and a black hat.”

As for the permit holder, it’s not clear whether she will face charges for discharging her gun in public.

Obviously, not all the details are known, but based on the available facts it appears she was too quick to pull the trigger. What are your thoughts?

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