2nd Amendment – R2KBA

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'Enforce or Resign' Says New Mexico Governor to Sheriffs Regarding New Red Flag Law

New Mexico Gov. Trying to Eliminate Firearm Industry Under the Guise of Budget

“No responsible gun owner should be punished or prevented from exercising their rights – and no child should ever be put in danger by a weapon of war, especially one wielded by a person who can’t pass a background check, or can’t wait two weeks to get a firearm,” Gov. Lujan Grisham said. She added, “Preventing gun violence is the most important work we’re going to do.”

My New Favorite Glock, The Slimline Glock 48

Fourth Circuit to Hear Maryland 2A Case En Banc

On January 11, 2024, the United State Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit agreed to re-hear the case of Maryland Shall Issue v Wes Moore

Take New York’s Common Sense Gun-Control Quiz

SAF Backs NRA in SCOTUS Fight for Free Speech

The brief accuses Vullo of abusing her office’s power to undermine the NRA’s advocacy by dissuading financial entities from engaging with them.

NYC Officials Suing These Distributors of So-Called ’Ghost Guns’

Why Calls from Attorneys General to Ban Lake City Ammo Sales to Civilians Are Deeply Misguided!

In an email to GunsAmerica, Oliva asserted that the attempt to limit the sale of ammunition produced at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant is a direct attack on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Graph showing that crime dropped in Ohio after the enactment of Constitutional Carry.

Anti-Gunners Were Wrong! Ohio Sees Drop in Crime Post-Constitutional Carry

“The key takeaway from this study is that we have to keep the pressure on the criminals who shoot people, rather than Ohioans who responsibly exercise their Second Amendment rights,” he added.

Everytown Study Claims Stricter Gun Laws Could Save 300,000 Lives

Everytown Study Claims Stricter Gun Laws Could Save 300,000 Lives

Enter Alan Gottlieb, Chairman of the CCRKBA, who’s blasting holes in the report’s findings. He’s calling foul, labeling the study “misleading at best,” and pointing out the high homicide rates in the so-called model states.

Meet ROSE: SIG SAUER's Complete Concealed Carry Solution for Women -- SHOT Show 2023

Federal Court Blocks California’s CCW Law

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals just rolled back an earlier decision that had paused a lower court’s move to block California’s new concealed carry law.

Folks at a gun store purchasing a firearm.

Americans Charted Record Book Year For Firearms in 2023, with 2024 Looming Large

Santa and his reindeer apparently got an extra workout in delivering presents this year under the tree. They were carrying around the extra weight of new firearms to millions of Americans thirsty to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

NRA Reacts to ‘Ghost Gun’ Ban

NRA Leadership Change! LaPierre Steps Down, Andrew Arulanandam Steps Up

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) today made a significant announcement regarding its leadership.

Build Your Own Glock 43 with GlockStore's New Single Stack 80 Percent Lower

Colorado Gun Groups File Federal Lawsuit Against Colorado’s Homemade Firearm Ban

Three members of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, along with the National Association for Gun Rights, joined as plaintiffs in the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the ban on the ground that it infringes their right to keep and bear arms.