Can I Still Sell My Guns Online? – Executive Action Fear Porn

in Authors, Paul Helinski
selling guns online

Can I still sell my personal firearms on GunsAmerica or other internet mediums? The short answer is yes, you can.

What does an administration do when it is a complete failure? Make urgent headlines about guns, to distract people from what is really going on, to keep them in denial that the America they once knew is gone. But from a GunsAmerica perspective, the question everyone needs to ask is what repercussions does this new list of executive actions have on the sale of guns online. Can I still sell my personal firearms on GunsAmerica, or other internet mediums?

The short answer is yes, you can. But it does require a little bit of background for the casual observer, and the explanation is a little bit involved.

To start, you may or may not know this, but since Sandy Hook, there has been a huge uptick in people horsetrading guns online. I am actually a frequent customer on GunsAmerica, as well as the founder, and I also troll the Facebook gun boards and some discussion boards, as well as the Craigslist type boards. When you first go on the Facebook boards especially, it seems like people are selling their own guns, but quickly you realize that most of the people are buying guns privately and flipping them. When a gun hits the board for anything less than 10% off of market value, these same people are all over it and will buy it out from under you really quick. The same is true of the “Craigslist” type websites that have sprung up out there. It has become something of a Wild West out there for gun sales, and don’t think ATF hasn’t noticed. Since the Patriot Act, all of the Federal agencies have full time internet trolls patrolling all of those boards, and periodically those people selling a lot of guns without an FFL license get arrested. I personally don’t agree with the requirement to have a license to do business in guns, but I don’t make the laws.

With this “new” executive action, there really is nothing new. The ATF has always had complete discretion when it comes to deciding what constitutes dealing in guns without a license, and as many people have already noted, they have prosecuted people for a few as two firearms.

Selling a personal collection, or even legitimately horsetrading to get guns that you want isn’t “dealing in guns.” Generally you would have owned those guns for longer than a few days or weeks. This should immediately take you out of the realm of someone who is “dealing” in firearms, because clearly the guns were not purchased to resell. The ATF knows when you purchased the guns for the most part, because they are now getting all the 4473 records, which are digitized these days from all large gunshops and even a number of small ones. I personally don’t believe that the background check records are not saved, regardless, and if you buy a gun at a gunshop, you can bet that the government not only knows. They remember.

If all of your purchases were through individuals, it wouldn’t hurt to right now make a list of your guns, and sign it and get it notarized, which is an official date. You could also mail yourself a letter of your guns, shoot a video of your guns, take pictures, etc. All of these things will establish that the guns were bought a long time ago, and that you had no intention of “dealing” in firearms.

What I can tell you from personal experience is that ATF does not go after people who are legitimately selling their own guns, even a lot of them, which is perfectly legal. As hard as it is for many pro 2A people to accept, the people they bust are actually dealing in guns without a license. The law is the law is the law, for everyone (except the bankers and oligarchs), so if you don’t like the law, fight to change it, not that it would ever work.

For years I have warned people about doing business with the Facebook and Craigslist type of quasi-dealers, because you could get caught up in a bust, but everyone says I’m just pitching for GunsAmerica. Sure I pitch for GunsAmerica blah blah blah.

The real back story, and the one the government doesn’t want you to think about, is that people have been forced to go into horse trading of guns because the labor participation rate is the lowest it has been since the 1960s, and it most likely is even lower than that. Our country is broke and dying, and we are on the precipice of devolving into chaos, which is why they want the guns.

Investing in Firearms

Another side of why this fear porn of an executive action really changed nothing is zero interest rates, or ZIRP (zero interest rate policy). Non-depreciating physical assets have become a convenient place to park money since the whole idea of making interest on your money disappeared in 2009 when the Federal Reserve lowered interbank interest rates to zero. That has made it so that if you don’t want to put your cash into a very risky and overvalued stock market, physical assets are your only option. This week a prior Fed official came forward and explained that the essentially free money created the cliff of a stock market that our country is currently hanging off.

As I explained in my original article Buy Guns Not Gold, back in 2010, and subsequent articles since, gold and silver are heavily manipulated markets, and while gold is a great place to store purchasing power historically, guns and other physical assets that don’t really depreciate are a much better risk if you want to make a return on your money.

These days I don’t know that there is a safe store of any money, but in stressing the “you need a license to deal guns” legal restrictions, The Obama Administration is trying to scare people out of parking their money in firearms, for fear that they won’t be able to liquidate the asset when the money is needed.

I think this would be an issue if you bought 500 AR receivers waiting for the next ban scare. But for most of us who accumulate guns we want and figure we’ll sell them when we need the money, it has never been historically an issue in the past, and I don’t think this executive order makes a bit of difference in the future.

If you wanted to sell a bunch of guns at one time, there is nothing preventing you from contacting your local ATF office and letting them know that you are selling a private collection and that you are not flipping the money back into guns to buy and sell in the future.

For 500 AR receivers, good luck trying to convince them that you didn’t buy them specifically to sell at a profit, which is indeed dealing in guns. If you are sitting on that kind of inventory, sell a half a dozen of them, rent some office space and get your FFL license. I don’t know why the Facebook guys don’t do that to begin with.

Is a Ban Coming

Well duh, of course a ban is coming. So many people wouldn’t be convinced that they faked Sandy Hook(PDF), and Amazon wouldn’t have banned the book that I just linked to if anyone paying attention didn’t know that oligarchs always create a totalitarian state and take the guns away. But if you look through the executive action, the entire thing is meant to make sure that every gun is tied to an individual. The idea of “universal background checks” is the only concept they can get traction on, and that will be the next thing, not a gun ban. There are too many guns in America to ban them without proper preparation. Ten years after “universal background checks,” the oligarchs will have a form on every gun in the US, then they’ll take them away (but we aren’t going to get that far).

When you are selling a gun, even now, have been telling people for years to use our GunsAmerica Dropoff Locations, and pay your local dealer $20 to send out the gun for you when you sell it, just to cover yourself. America is already a totalitarian state, but the majority of the people have been Fox News’d, NFL’d, and Kardashian’d enough that their brains can still deny it. The America we believed in is gone, forever.

Is There Anything Actually New?

From what I see, there is nothing of substance there that we didn’t already know. The Obama Administration several times has said that they will be eliminating the ability to buy an NFA firearm with a legal trust. That was coming regardless. The mental health issue I have been warning people about for years. Be careful with what you let your doctor prescribe. The Affordable Care Act was more about nationalizing health records than it was about providing disadvantaged people with health insurance. I actually got a letter from my insurance company yesterday requiring me to get one of my kids a Social Security number who didn’t have one yet. When I had a baby last year, even a midwife birth center made sure that we had my baby’s social security card within a week of birth. The only value America has left to the world is the taxable income of me and you, so they need to make sure that their numbers are in order.

Almost all foster care kids these days are put on Ritalin or some SSRI drug. The FDA just approved Oxycodone for pediatric use a few weeks ago. If you are a veteran and you were diagnosed with PTSD, most likely you are already on a list of people who won’t be allowed to own a firearm shortly.

As for “ATF has established an Internet Investigation Center to track illegal online firearms trafficking and is dedicating $4 million and additional personnel to enhance the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network.,” I see it as just another money suck to fund and justify the ongoing expensses of their Fusion Centers. Prior to the Patriot Act, Federal Agents were prohibited from trolling online, and this just sends some more money into the system. Of course $4,000,000 is nothing in the Federal Government world. Maybe a little better food in the cafeteria for the brown shirts.

Weapons of Mass Distraction

This entire thing is just another Weapon of Mass Distraction. Don’t let yourself be Fox News’d into a constant state of sleep. The real issue is that our planet is dying, and they want to keep track of all the guns, because the time is almost here where they won’t be able to cover it up anymore. When that happens, when people are told that they can’t drive their cars anymore, and that they have to enter a lottery to be able to have children, there will be armed revolts worldwide. I don’t care if Donald Trump or Mickey Mouse is our next president, if we even make it that far. You have been warned, and if you are part of the distraction, please consider coming forward, even if it means that you lose your paycheck and pension.

As for this executive action, nothing is illegal today that wasn’t illegal yesterday. The Facebook boards and Craigslist will be policed much more than they have been in the past. At GunsAmerica, all purchases have an electronic paper trail and they always have. There is always a record of you communications and sales that nobody can fake and entrap you with. People also don’t get their houses robbed from selling here like they do on the Facebook and local boards, and we make sure GunsAmerica is the safest and most legitimate environment for individuals to buy and sell their personal firearms, and for dealers to advertise what they have on the shelf, and what they can get from distribution. A great reckoning has been coming for a long time for those who think they can deal in firearms without a license, and perhaps that reckoning has come today.

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