Book Review: Clay Martin’s First Novel, ‘Last Son of the War God’

in Authors, Industry News, Thomas Gomez
Book Review: Clay Martin's First Novel, 'Last Son of the War God'

“Last Son of the War God” is Clay first novel.

GunsAmerica’s own Clay Martin has released his first novel, “Last Son Of the War God,” a thrilling adventure that follows the trials of Mike Bryant, a former soldier.

Mike is aimless and broken after an early retirement from the United States Army. Heading out West to find peace, Mike runs into a group of evil men. The conflict that follows gives his life a renewed purpose.

Throughout the book, one thing that I particularly enjoy is Clay’s attention to detail regarding weapons and gear. There is nothing worse than reading a modern thriller, only to have the protagonist pull out a piece of hardware from the ’80s and execute some archaic tactic. You’ll find none of that in this novel.

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Aside from the technical perfection in regard to weapons and tactics, the book offers real insight into the mind of a Special Forces soldier with multiple combat deployments.

Book Review: Clay Martin's First Novel, 'Last Son of the War God'

Sometimes it’s nice to get away with a good book and unplug for awhile.

As soon as this book came out, I downloaded it to my e-reader, hiked up into the mountains and read it in one go, cover to cover.

“Last Son of the War God” is a fantastic book that was a blast to read. Clay did an excellent job, and I hope he writes several more.

***Click Here to Buy Your Copy Right Now on Amazon***

In addition to being a damn good book, “Last Son of the War God” would translate into an excellent movie. Who knows, maybe in due time we’ll see it on the big screen. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

Please note, there is strong language in the book. Some dialogue may not be appropriate for a younger audience. If you would let your child read “Gates of Fire,” by Steven Pressfield, for example, then, “Last Son of the War God” is probably okay.

This book would make an excellent Christmas present for any lover of a good, action-packed thriller!


We are giving away several copies of “Last Son of the War God.”  To enter to win a free copy, visit the GunsAmerica Facebook page and follow the instructions.  It’s super easy to enter!

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