Woke Hollywood Elites to Descend on NRA Meetings to Push Gun Control

in Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry
Woke Hollywood Elites to Descend on NRA Meetings to Push Gun Control

(Photo: Time.com)

Wealthy Hollywood elites are descending on Dallas this week to protest the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meetings and Exhibits. Oh, and David Hogg. He’s coming too. No surprise there. Kid wants to squeeze every second he can out of his 15 minutes of fame.

“Charmed” actress Alyssa Milano is leading the charge. She’ll be joined by Jimmy Kimmel, Alec Baldwin, and Amy Schumer, among others. They’re calling themselves NoRA, which stands for No Rifle Association. Clever name… not really.

A few weeks ago, the group published an open letter calling down the thunder on the nation’s gun lobby. It’s actually pretty funny how over-the-top it is, particularly the parts about bloody checks and puppets.

“Your time signing checks in our blood is up,” they write. “We'[r]e a diverse, non-partisan coalition of activists, artists, celebrities, writers, gun violence survivors, and policy experts. We’re going to shine a bright light on what you and your organization to do America…We’re coming for your money. We’re coming for your puppets. And we’re going to win.”

Are you scared? LOL.

What these fools don’t realize is that this spectacle their planning at NRAAM is going to totally backfire. Seriously. I can’t think of a better way to harden the resolve of the NRA members than to stage an event where rich and famous hacks who are protected by men with guns rail on about how the rest of us need to turn em over.

SEE ALSO: Bill Maher on militarization of law enforcement

Yeah, okay. That’ll play well. Real well. To quote my man Ice T, “I’ll give up my gun when everybody else does.”

That Ice T interview is from 2012. By the way, it’s still as awesome today as it was the first time I watched it six years ago.

It’s such a poignant argument, though. You want us to disarm? Okay. You first. Let’s try this out. No more armed security for anti-gun actors, politicians, and activists. We’ll see how long they last.

SEE ALSO: Liam Neeson on U.S. Gun Ownership: ‘[Expletive] Disgrace’

You know, it reminds me of something nutty Bill Maher once said.  Sure, in the past, he’s called the 2A, and I quote, “Bullshit,” but even he won’t disarm.

“I say all the time on this show, as long as we live in the gun country, I ain’t giving up my gun,” said Maher in 2013. The HBO host of “Real Time” copped to owning two guns and mentioned how there were 12 home invasions in his neighborhood in one year.

When Michael Moore balked at the notion of Maher defending himself from a home intruder, the comedian replied, “As opposed to what? Just getting mowed down.”

You see, when push comes to shove, even most rabid Lefties recognize the natural right to self-defense. (Most, not all; Michael Moore apparently wants to be a victim).  Problem is, they only see it applying to themselves and their ilk.  This is why the NoRA protest is doomed to fail.  Do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do hypocrisy might work on Kindergarteners and daft liberals.  But it sure as heck won’t work on the five million men and women of the National Rifle Association.

Stay tuned.  We’re at NRAAM.  We’ll be there to watch this dumpster fire firsthand.  We’ll report back if it gets really stupid.

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