Whoopi Goldberg: ‘No Reason Anyone Needs an Automatic Weapon’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

I love when the uninformed weigh in on gun control because through their ignorance they indubitably hang themselves, rhetorically, in the eyes of any reasonable person. When debating them the best thing to do is allow them to keep talking because eventually they’ll say something so stupid that their argument will be irreparably undermined. In short, you just have to wait for them to put their foot in their mouth.

Recently, “The View” panelist, Whoopi Goldberg went on a rant about “automatic weapons,” and why the government ought to heavily regulate them.

“I don’t understand why anyone objects to getting rid of automatic weapons,” exclaimed Goldberg. “Automatic weapons, they’re not for hunting. They do nothing — they’re only there to kill. And you’ll notice that a lot of the things that have happened have happened with automatic weapons. When we see that why don’t we say, ‘Who really needs to have one other than people that are at war?’”

Yes, a profoundly ignorant statement. Thankfully, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was there to help set the record straight.

“What we have is not automatic weapons. It’s semi-automatic,” said Paul. “So they fire in a fairly fast sequence, but you can’t pull the trigger and they come like a machine gun. Those are no longer out there.”

Unfazed by her ignorance, Goldberg persisted, “But you know what I’m saying,” she said.

If I was there, I would have stopped right there and said, “No, I don’t know what you’re saying because you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.” But Sen. Paul was a bit more patient.

“What there is, is, there’s a repetitive fire,” explained Pau. “People do hunt with them and people do also shooting and sports shooting and target shooting and things with these guns. Come to Kentucky and I’ll introduce you. There are a lot of people who like and enjoy this as a sport.”

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