White House Leaves Door Wide Open for Confiscation of Millions of ‘Assault Weapons’ 

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

The Biden administration is leaving the door wide open for the confiscation and destruction of the more than 24 million modern sporting rifles (MSRs) currently in the hands of law-abiding citizens.   

On Wednesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre could have assuaged the concerns of responsible gun owners that the White House would never deploy something like a Canadian-style mandatory “buyback” scheme — but she didn’t. 

When a reporter asked her whether president Biden supported, “not just banning the sale and the manufacture of semi-automatic weapons, but further than that, confiscation,” she gave the following response: 

Let me just be very clear.  What we’re talking about, AR15s, this assault weapons ban, they are weapons of war, and they not be on the streets across the country in our communities. They should not be in schools. They should not be in grocery stores. They should not be in churches. That’s what the president believes, and he has done more than any other president the first two years on the executive order.

Jean-Pierre went on to add, “As you know, we all know how government works. There’s only so much that he can do. And so now it’s time for Congress to do the work. And he’s happy to sign, once that happens, he’s happy to sign that legislation that says, ‘OK, we’re going to remove assault weapons — we’re going have an assault weapons ban.”

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The operative word in that last paragraph is “remove,” as in seize or take or, well… confiscate.  

Should we be surprised by this?  Absolutely not.  

The Biden administration has worked over the years to not only redefine what a firearm is to restrict the sale of certain firearm parts and precursor materials but criminalize the mere possession of pistol stabilizing braces.  

Its new pistol brace rule will likely impact tens of millions of Americans.  Those who fail to comply with the registration mandate by the May 31 deadline may face felony prosecution, which would include a hefty fine and prison time.  Not to mention the permanent revocation of one’s 2A rights. 

So yes, confiscation of MSRs is the goal.  There is no doubt about that.  The White House will continue to pursue this agenda by any means necessary.  That includes scapegoating pro-2A Republicans for the murderous actions of radicalized trans psychopaths.  See the tweet below:

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