What’s New at Slide Fire?—Media Day at the Range—SHOT Show 2014

in Accessories Misc., Authors, Paul Helinski, SHOT Show 2014

Slidefire4Slide Fire Solutions


As someone who reviews firearms for a living, I can sometimes mistake going to the range for actual work.  I’ve got cameras to line up, lighting to consider. When I get down to shooting, I’ve got a lot on my mind, much more than I used to when I went shooting with friends and isn’t always fun. Slide Fire is here to remind me of the good times, when shooting made smile. They brought out a mess of guns to the Range at SHOT Show 2014: AKs, ARs, even some tricked out Ruger 1022s. They also brought out cases of ammo and a full crew to keep the magazines full. The result was the most fun I’ve had at the range in a long, long time.Slidefire1

The stock sets are intriguing. Pull the trigger back and hold on. The pressure of the spring in the stock reacting to the recoil from each subsequent round will empty a 30 round magazine in a hurry.  It requires a bit of practice, but isn’t hard.

Slide Fire is known for its stocks. The latest invention is so new that it is, as of yet, un-named. It is a cradle of sorts that holds an AR-15 upside down. There are two vertical grips at the back end and paddle-style triggers that you press with your thumbs. The whole contraption mounts onto a tripod. Is it necessary? No, of course not. But that misses the point. Is it fun? It is. It is fast, it is fun, and it is a bit easier to keep on target than you’d expect. It is going to get expensive, too, with all that lead zipping down range.

What should they call it? We’re open to ideas. Let’s give this whatchamacallit a name.Slidefire2


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