US Army Chief: US Forces to Fight “Hybrid Armies & Little Green Men”

in Authors, Paul Helinski

This image is from the new series of the X-Files where Scully imagines herself turning into an alien.  The whole premise of the series is that real stolen alien technology will be used to fake an alien invasion.

This image is from the new series of the X-Files where Scully imagines herself turning into an alien. The whole premise of the series is that real stolen alien technology will be used to fake an alien invasion.

This one is a real head scratcher.  As many of you know, we have an extremely comprehensive Prepping 101 section here on GunsAmerica, and it isn’t to capitalize on the hype. If you look at the full picture of what is going on in the world, you just have to ask yourself, how long can this last? The prepping articles are a hardcore look at survival when it all burns down, and it is going to burn down. The question is when. 

US Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley appears to think that it is going to happen this year, or at least fairly soon. The short clip below occurs at about 33 minutes of his full speech, posted below it, and in this clip he explains that we are on the precipice of yet another global war.  This is a serious speech and to fully understand the gravity of the short clip, you really need to frame it in his other remarks, none of which were theoretical. 

For this war it appears that General Milley knows some information that we the public are being “protected from.”  We will not only be fighting the obligatory “terrorists,” but in addition, there will be “hybrid armies, little green men and tribes.”

Hybrid between what and what?  For the cover image for this article I intentionally included a picture of Scully from the new series of the X-Files, as she turns into an alien. This followed a prior nugget of info that her DNA had been contaminated with alien DNA.  The DNA later protects her as humanity is subsequently wiped out by the diseases from our mandatory vaccinations, which suddenly become active. 
Hybrid between man and machines? Loyalist (to Obama) US and UN forces?  Citizen and Military? Come on General Milley, give us a clue here!

If you have any doubt that this actually occurred, check out the Army Times whitewash of the event, claiming that the references were allegorical, and that the comments were explainable. 

Do you think they are explainable?

Also see the recent Obama speech at the correspondent’s dinner below. That speech is supposed to be funny of course, and it is funny, but jokes have to be grounded in truth to be funny. To quote the last American President:

“The END OF THE REPUBLIC never looked so good!” 

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