A Trump-Branded AR? Unique ARs at SHOT Show 2017

in Authors, Clay Martin, SHOT Show 2017

For more information, visit https://unique-ars.com/.

We have seen a bunch of “new” for the AR rifles in our lives. Most of it, by this point, is hardly that. But the booth for Unique ARs grabbed my attention from across the room. It’s not tactical. It’s not coyote tan. It’s not endorsed by counter-terrorism experts from across the realm. But it is totally freaking cool. It is a Trump-marked AR handguard. Yes, you can Trump your AR with Unique ARs’ help. It has “TRUMP” and “Make America Great Again” emblazoned along its length.

A Trump-Branded AR? Unique ARs at SHOT Show 2017

The “Make America Great Again” Trump-branded handguard from Unique ARs really caught the author’s attention at the 2017 SHOT Show.

Unique AR’s primary business is custom handguards, and they do mean custom. They can cut almost any design you want, and the handguards are well made. No repurposed beer can thick, Chinese junk here. These handguards are well built enough to be useful, and sure to make you the talk of the range. The first real add on besides wood AR furniture I have ever seen to make yours truly a Texas BBQ gun. I know after the last 8 years, we all have a dozen AR’s gathering dust in the safe. Why not go ahead and make one pretty. Or make one great again?

For more information, visit https://unique-ars.com/.

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