Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down – TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22

in Authors, Rifles, Will Dabbs
Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This was the end result of an exceptionally productive morning on my rural farm. The big one stretched out to 37 inches. The bottom is 29.

I have had need of a gun when facing two-legged predators but twice thus far. However, I have had cause to wield a firearm for real numerous times against malevolent animals capable of killing me. This week was one for the books.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
I absolutely despise these things. It makes my skin crawl to write about them. This particular moccasin is attacking a GoPro camera fastened onto a stick out in the middle of a lake. Water moccasin and cottonmouth are both appropriate names for these ghastly animals.

In the interest of full transparency, I really hate venomous snakes. There are doubtless those who feel that water moccasins are our pals whose irreplaceable contribution to the great circle of life is what keeps us from being utterly overrun by vermin. Whatever. Something else can eat the mice. It’s not like they’re endangered rhinos or federally protected snail darters. According to the WHO, venomous snakes typically kill between 81,000 and 138,000 people per annum worldwide.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
It’s easier to step on these guys while out walking through the woods than you might think.

I live in the Deep South. I stepped on a really big one once while out walking in the woods with my kids. It felt like I had trod upon Arnold Schwarzenegger’s forearm. I had that one ventilated with a .22 pistol at a slant range of three feet before my 7-year-old son walking behind me knew anything was amiss.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This was the sight that greeted me when I snatched my little girl up as she was walking barefoot on the back patio.

We have a lake on the place, and that attracts them like locusts. I killed thirteen moccasins the first year we lived here and nine the next. I snatched my precious daughter up one time when her little bare pink foot was about to come down on one coiled up on the back patio. In my corner of heaven they’re literally everywhere.

Know Your Enemy

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
The Eastern Coral Snake is a relative to the krait, cobra, and mamba. Thankfully it is a reclusive docile creature.

There are four venomous snakes endemic to the US, only three of which are common. Coral snakes employ a neurotoxin akin to that of a cobra that is unimaginably lethal. However, coral snakes are by their nature docile and also fairly rare. I’ve never seen one in the wild. I’m told they have to gnaw on you a bit to do any real damage. The day I sit still and let a snake gnaw on me will be the day I vote Democrat.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This Western Diamondback Rattlesnake is the very living embodiment of “Don’t screw with me, dude!”

The real players are the pit vipers—copperheads, water moccasins, and rattlesnakes of sundry flavors. These animals employ a hemotoxin that breaks down tissues and disrupts blood clotting.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
A proper snakebite can be breathtaking to behold.

Around 25% of poisonous snake bites are dry, meaning they do not involve envenomation. However, bites from pit vipers can produce some truly hideous wounds. I’ve seen a few as a physician, and snakebite is high up on my list of medical things I don’t want.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
You think your job sucks? At least you’re not the poisonous snake milker. Imagine going to work and doing that every day.

Antivenin is trade-named CroFab, and it costs $3,198 per dose. CroFab is made by milking poisonous snakes and synthesizing the nasty bits out of the venom. This stuff is injected into sheep, and the subsequent antibodies are harvested, cleaned, and tested. These antibodies are then dehydrated and packaged as a powder.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
CroFab works fairly well, but it costs a holy fortune.

CroFab is polyvalent. This means that this one drug treats bites from all three pit vipers. As a result positive identification of the snake in question is not necessary.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This is admittedly an extreme case of a young lady living in a third-world country without proper medical attention. However, left to their own devices snakebites can get plenty nasty.

Treating a snakebite can require a single dose of CroFab or quite a few. An article I read recently concerned a nine-year-old bitten on the big toe by a copperhead while at summer camp in Illinois. She kept the toe. However, her entire hospital stay cost $142,938. A friend bitten in the hand by a water moccasin ultimately shelled out $36,000 for the privilege. Did I mention that I really hate venomous snakes?

The Engagement

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
Little will cure what ails you faster than a vigorous stroll through a pretty stand of woods. I never strike out without a firearm.

My bride and I walk around my rural farm about five days a week. I invariably carry a gun. This particular day I chose a really nice suppressed .22 rifle from TacSol. I slapped a ten-round magazine in place and called it good.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
In my experience water moccasins typically swim with their bodies high in the water and their heads extended. They are fairly easily distinguished from the harmless water snakes that share much of their coloration.

We struck out around the lake and saw a real monster as soon as we got near the water. He was swimming across the lake with his head held unnaturally high. Moccasins do that. He was heading away from me at a slant. If he got to the far bank I’d likely lose him. I’d conservatively estimate his size as breathtakingly gigantic.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
A moving cottonmouth doesn’t offer much of a target.

I ran around the lake but could only get within about fifty meters before the brush got thick. I stopped, took a few deep breaths to steady my heart, and drew a bead off-hand. The snake was moving so I had to lead him just a hair.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
Water moccasins have a characteristic speckled belly. This 5.5-foot beast is six inches short of the world record for a cottonmouth. Sheesh.

The first round was right off his nose. The second was a bit behind. The third centerpunched the monster’s head. It sounded like I had hit a side of beef with a boat paddle. The massive snake rolled, showing me its cream-colored speckled belly. I jogged over close, found a small hole in the brush, and hit him with a single round of insurance amidships. A stream of bubbles erupted, and he headed down to meet Old Hob.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
Trust me, this stuff shoots straight. However, turns out I needed more than ten rounds this particular day.

I caught my breath, suddenly feeling really good about being me. My beautiful bride had that “My hero!” look in her captivating eyes. One less water moccasin meant the world was now a better place. However, I needed some more ammo.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This top notch TacSol rifle fed quality ammo is a snake-slaying machine.

I jogged back to the house and dropped a box of fifty Federal Premium Hunter Match hollowpoints in my pocket. As I headed back to meet my wife I saw number two.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This particular day there was a bit of an infestation.

This one was almost but not quite as big as the first. He was heading across the lake at a leisurely pace. This time I could quietly slip around to roughly where the serpent planned to make landfall. He stopped about twenty-five meters out, curled his head back, and stared at me all hungry-like. I popped him between the eyes with a single round. My security shot pithed his gut, but he still floated.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
A water moccasin actually has a fetching hide once it is properly prepared. I soak mine generously in glycerin and alcohol before stretching them on a board.

If the hides aren’t terribly perforated I like skinning these things. The entrails smell like rotten fish, and you want to mind the pokey bits at the front. However, soak the skins in a 50/50 mixture of glycerin and rubbing alcohol and then stretch them out on a board and they’re quite pretty. The last couple of nice ones I had got eaten by something in my workshop. This would make a splendid replacement.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
Number three made his debut as I paddled out to fetch number two.

I ran over and mounted the canoe to fetch the demised beast. About halfway there number three broke cover and started trekking left to right. I paddled like a madman on an intercept course. Once within about twenty meters I swapped my paddle for my rifle and judged the geometry of the engagement.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This is the Goalkeeper CIWS (Close-In Weapon System). This automated close-range anti-aircraft/anti-missile system has got nothing on the human brain.

The snake was moving left to right, while the canoe was slowing down of its own accord. I was about to launch a 40-grain bullet at about 1,000 fps from a moving platform at a moving target. Churning through all that math would have been a Gordian chore for a computerized fire control system. However, the system God designed that perches atop my homely shoulders managed it all in an instant. I blew this guy’s head off with a single round. Three up, three down, all in the span of ten minutes.

The Gun

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This is a simply magnificent .22 rifle. It costs a holy fortune. However, you get what you pay for. The gun is just stupid quiet, and it shoots like a laser.

A brace of c-notes will land you a fabulous base model Ruger 10/22 from your local Walmart. This gun shoots straight and well. Many’s the burgeoning shooter has cut his or her teeth on such an entry-level smoke pole. However, the suppressed TacSol X-Ring Takedown rifle is the .22 rifle for professionals. 

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
The oversized charging handle can be arranged on either side.

Everything about this gun is literally perfect. The extended charging handle is reversible. I keep mine on the left so I can run it with my weak hand.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
The TacSol X-Ring Takedown rifle breaks down and then snaps together for handy storage or portage.

The Magpul X-22 Backpacker furniture is indestructible and nicely executed. Lock the bolt to the rear, pull forward on a spring-loaded stud, give the barrel a twist, and the gun breaks in half for storage. The front half snaps into the bottom of the stock to make a nice compact package. Assembly takes less time to undertake than to describe.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
The extended magazine release is handy and easy to use.
Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
Three standard ten-round rotary magazines ride comfortably inside the Magpul stock.

The 6061-T6 aluminum receiver has a built-in 15-MOA Picatinny rail for optics, and there’s a rear port for cleaning access. The Ruger BX trigger breaks like a prom queen’s heart, while the extended magazine release makes mag changes fast and painless. The all-up weight of this gun is a paltry 3.7 pounds, so it is easy to tote.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
The fiber optic front sight mounted to the suppressor is both easily accessed and patented.

My X-Ring Takedown rifle also sports a TacSol TSS integrally-suppressed barrel. This suppressor is the same diameter as a bull barrel, so it fits the Backpacker stock perfectly. It also includes a top-end set of fiber optic sights mounted both front and rear.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
TacSol offers a full line of .22 suppressors. The Pac-Lite IV integrally suppressed upper (left) is a drop-in upgrade for the Ruger 22/45 pistol. The Aeris micro rimfire suppressor is proper 007 kit.

The can is aluminum, while the entrails are titanium. It is just stupid quiet. I can shoot this thing all day long without plugs in complete comfort.


Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
A rifle this awesome deserves a nice piece of glass. This Leupold VX-R Patrol 1.25-4x20mm scope drives this remarkable rifle out to its max effective range.

I topped my Rolls Royce rifle off with a Leupold VX-R Patrol 1.25-4x20mm optic. All up this rig is just crazy expensive. However, it carries like it’s not there, shoots like a laser, and lets me leave my muffs at home. I can consistently hit a target the size of my thumb on the move at fifty meters so long as I do my part.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
The cottonmouth water moccasin is a simply horrible creature. While I’m a pretty live and let live sort of guy, I don’t care for these things infesting my backyard.

Thanks to my TacSol rig there are currently three fewer deadly creatures wandering around my world waiting to poke me with poison. I’m stoked. That and my wife now thinks I’m kind of awesome.

Three Headshots in Ten Minutes: Tangos Down - TacSol X-Ring w/Magpul X-22
This DIY Form 1 cut-down side-by-side 12 gauge loaded with Aguila minishells used to be my primary counter-snake weapon. My TacSol X-Ring Takedown rifle has lots more reach.

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