This Anti-Gun Lawmaker Has Brilliant Plan to Take Over NRA

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week
Her majesty Liz Krueger.  (Photo: MIKE GROLL/AP)

Sen. Liz Krueger. (Photo: Mike Groll/AP)

New York state Sen. Liz Krueger has a brilliant idea on how to defeat the National Rifle Association.

Basically, the anti-gun lawmaker wants to take over the nation’s gun lobby from the inside out, suggesting that fellow gun-grabbers should join the NRA.

“Perhaps if we all join, we could take over that group and start a new (gun control) platform,” Krueger (D-Manhattan) told the New York Daily News. “I think we outnumber the people who are members of the NRA and are so totally opposed to any kind of rational gun laws.”

Krueger’s idea of a “decent” gun law is the state’s systemically flawed New York SAFE Act, which expanded the ban on widely popular and commonly owned firearms and magazines.

The notion that gun control advocates could change the direction and agenda of the NRA by joining the organization is rather laughable — which is exactly what Thomas King, president of the state Rifle and Pistol Association and an NRA board member, did when he heard Krueger’s plan.

“I’m not sure where they’re going to get the people from, but it’s America: if they want to join the NRA, let them join. We’ll take their money,” said King with a chuckle.

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