‘Star Wars’ Actor Mark Hamill Calls For Stricter Gun Control After Journalist Shooting

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Brent McCluskey, This Week

“Star Wars” character Luke Skywalker may have chosen the Light Side, but actor Mark Hamill just crossed over to the Dark Side after tweeting about increased gun control measures in America.

After the fatal shooting of two news journalists in Virginia, the famous actor took to Twitter to express his political views.

After the Port Arthur shooting massacre of 1996 that left 35 dead and 23 wounded, Australia implemented a series of hyper strict gun control measures and a steadfast gun buyback program.

One such measure was the National Firearms Programme Implementation Act 1996, which seriously restricted the private ownership of firearms.

However, many of the measures implemented in Australia would be extremely difficult to implement in America.

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