Sphinx Pistols and Defiance Suppressors – VIDEO POST

in Authors, Pistols, Scott Mayer, SHOT Show 2012

Sphinx Pistols & Defiance Suppressors: https://www.sphinxarms.com/

KRISS-USA: https://www.kriss-tdi.com/

We saw the Sphinx line of pistols last year at Media Day at the Range, SHOT Show 2011. For 2012 the importers, KRISS, have a new model for us made specifically for “operators” and heavy duty competitors in the case of the pistol. The Sphinx pistols are novel because they are in three pieces, and all pieces can and usually are made of 3 different materials. The Defiance Suppressors are unique in that they are adjustable for point of impact, to match your gun with the can off or on. Truly an OPERATOR tool.

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