Silencer Central: My Experience Buying a Suppressor

in Authors, Gear Reviews, Sam Trisler, Suppressors
Silencer Central Banish 30 suppressor.
Silencer Central’s Banish 30 suppressor sitting on my dining room table.

Silencer Central began as Dakota Silencer in 2005. In 2019 they changed names as the business grew and they were able to sell and ship suppressors to all 42 of the states that allow them. Silencer Central has its own line of suppressors sold under the Banish name and they sell a number of other manufacturers’ offerings. The nucleus of Silencer Central is that they take care of all the complicated ATF paperwork, set up a trust for the buyer and, once approved, ship the suppressor to your door.

SEE MORE: Where to Buy a Suppressor

Silencer Central Shipped to Your Door?

Yep, an NFA item straight to your door delivered by the US Postal Service. Pretty nifty. How do they do it? Black magic and voodoo dolls of ATF officials. I kid of course.  The “trick” is having an FFL in every state and a bit of extra paperwork to accomplish this.

Step by Step

One way or another, you are going to have to do some work obtaining a suppressor.  Silencer Central takes most of this off of the buyer.  It is a pretty simple and straightforward process.  Pick out a suppressor and buy it, and they offer multiple payment plans. (FYI, the silencer will cost an additional $200 for the Tax Stamp that gets paid to Uncle Sam.) Silencer Central will get some information from you to build the trust papers that will be the owner of the NFA item. You will need to supply them with a photo and a set of fingerprints as well. 

Screenshot from Silencer Central showing cost of buying a Banish 30.
Screen Shot from Silencer Central

Once the Trust is written, they will send it to you for review and signature.  If you are putting other people on the trust, the others will also have to submit a photo and fingerprints.

I did all of these steps in late 2021 and into early 2022.  My hold-up was the fingerprints.  I had made an appointment to get them done at my local county jail. They wouldn’t let me in when I showed up because of a Covid outbreak in the jail.  I knew the Silencer Central crew was going to be at a gun show near me in a couple of weeks. They were able to scan my prints there.

While I am writing this I received an email from Silencer Central that they are offering the whole process done in person at the NRA show.  I can’t speak for experience on how this is working, but I see how they could pull it off.  The trust forms are pretty simple to plug in the individual’s information. I know they can do digital fingerprints as well. Assuming there are no kinks to work out, this sounds like a brilliant idea.

Form 4 Submission

Once everything is together it’s time to submit a Form 4 to the ATF.  In late 2021, the ATF started taking them electronically.  Prior to submitting Form 4, I had to create an account with the ATF. It was a simple process that took about 5 min. When the time came to submit my paperwork, I scheduled a call with Silencer Central for a time I could be in front of a computer. I was talked through the process and had the form submitted in less than ten minutes.  The customer service rep that helped with the submission was professional, courteous, and knew exactly how do to this.  I can’t stress how simple and easy this part of the process was.

The Wait

The next part is simple enough, you have to wait for the ATF to approve the Form 4 and the FBI to come back with a proceed. And keep waiting.  Then, wait for it… wait a little longer.  I filed my Form 4 on April 14th. It was approved on December 23rd of the same year. Merry Christmas! That was nice, but I missed a lot of other holidays, and my birthday, in between.

I did get an email from Silencer Central about once a month during my wait time.  It was mostly just a check-in and say they are playing the waiting game too.

National Firearms Act Tax Stamp
The Stamp cost $200 and takes a long time to get here.

My Form 4 approval took 254 calendar days, or 174 working days excluding weekends and holidays.  The ATF has said they want to get the wait times on Electronic Form 4’s down to 90 days on average.  Seems like they still have a bit to go on this.

With my emailed copy of my tax stamp in hand, if I had bought the suppressor from a local shop, I could have theoretically picked it up that day. But Silencer Central ships it to your door!

The Postman Always Rings Twice

This adds a bit more time to your wait.  In my case, the Christmas and New Year holidays probably didn’t help much. According to the customer service person I spoke to, they have to wait for the physical copy of the tax stamp to be mailed to them from the ATF.  I also have to sign and fill out a similar Form 4437 in a similar manner when buying any firearm.

Silencer Central sends a letter to your local chief law enforcement officer notifying him or her that you are about to receive an NFA item. The LE doesn’t have to reply for you to get your item, but Silencer Central waits a week for them to respond if they are going to. I spoke to my County Sheriff, who they sent the letter, and learned he shreds the letters after looking at them and doing a quick search for any warrants or arrests in the past year. The idea behind sending the letter is to make sure the person hasn’t committed a crime that would exclude them from owning an NFA item in the time between the FBI proceed and the shipping of the item.

In the end, I received my Banish 30 on February the 2nd.  It would have been here a day or two before but was delayed by a winter storm. Go figure.

So How Is The Silencer Central Banish 30?

Look for a full review of the Banish 30 by me soon here at GunsAmerica. I am going to put together a range day with some friends and really give it a workout. The Banish 30 is rated from .17 up to the big 30 caliber magnums. I intend to see how it does with as many rifles and pistols as I can gather up in between.

Banish 30 from Silencer Central with a Ruger 22/45.
A little teaser…Banish 30 on a Ruger 22/45.

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