Save Lives! Donate to NSSF’s Project ChildSafe! — SHOT Show 2016

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2016, This Week

Project Childsafe is a non-profit charity affiliated with the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the firearms industry trade association.  Its mission is simple.  Save lives via educating the public on proper gun use and storage.

To accomplish this feat, Project Childsafe distributes safety education messages and free gun safety kits.  The kits include a cable-style gun-locking device and brochure that informs one how to safely handle and secure firearms, specifically to keep them away from unauthorized individuals, i.e. children.

Here is what Project Childsafe was able to accomplish in 2015, according to its website:

  • Through Project ChildSafe, we gave away more than 300,000 safety kits, in every state across the country
  • We grew our network to include more than 1,200 organizational supporters
    The Project ChildSafe program generated more than 350 million media impressions
  • We engaged almost half a million people with the campaign online to help spread the Own It. Respect It. Secure It.® message
  • Project ChildSafe launched the video “How to Talk to Kids About Gun Safety,” featuring shooting sports champion Julie Golob, which garnered more than 100,000 views
  • We learned in September 2015 that NSSF, which developed Project ChildSafe, was awarded a two-year, $2.4 million cooperative agreement by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The money will go toward supporting firearm safety education by providing gun locks and safety materials to communities throughout the country in an effort to help reduce firearms misuse.

As you can see, the people of Project Childsafe have been busy.  But, they’re not willing to rest on their laurels.  They need your help to make 2016 every bit of the success that 2015 was.  You can click on this link to learn how you can get involved.

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