Here’s the List of Business Leaders Urging the Senate to Enact Gun Control 

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Here’s the List of Business Leaders Urging the Senate to Enact Gun Control 
Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh took a stance against the “gun violence epidemic.” (Photo: Levi Strauss)

Last week, a group of more than 220 business leaders signed on to a letter urging the U.S. Senate to “take bold urgent action” on gun control. 

The full list is below but here are some of the more prominent businesses to take a pro-gun control stance: Levi Strauss & Co., The Permanente Medical Group, Inc., Bloomberg LP, Lyft, SF Giants, Unilever United States, Bumble, Yelp, Bain Capital, Northwell Health, Eventbrite, and the Philadelphia Eagles.

“Our nation’s gun violence epidemic is a public health crisis threatening the rituals of our daily lives. Schools, places of worship, and grocery stores should be safe havens from violence, but inaction on federal legislation has made gun violence a uniquely American problem,” said Chip Bergh, Chief Executive Officer and President of Levi Strauss & Co, in a press release obtained by GunsAmerica.

“By passing common-sense gun safety legislation, our lawmakers can save lives and restore safety in our communities. It’s time to act,” he added. 

The business leaders don’t spell out which gun control measures they want the Senate to enact in the letter.  However, they do claim that gun violence costs American taxpayers, employers, and communities “$280 billion per year.”  

SEE ALSO: Three Charts That Will Change Your Perspective on Mass Public Shootings

“These business leaders are proving that supporting gun safety isn’t just the right thing to do — it’s also good for business,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action. 

“There’s a groundswell of Americans rising up and demanding the Senate not look away from the gun violence tearing apart our communities and finally take action to save lives,” she continued. “Inaction is not an option.”

While the Senate has agreed to a framework for a deal that includes enhanced background checks for adults under 21, improved school safety programs, and funding for mental health, the upper chamber has not come to terms on two other items, expanding “red flag” laws and closing the putative “boyfriend loophole.” 

Lawmakers are running against the clock, as they are scheduled to recess before the Fourth of July. 

President Biden on Monday was optimistic that a deal will get done.

“I’m confident that … there’s a serious, serious negotiation that’s getting close to becoming fruition,” Biden told reporters

While we wait to see what comes from these talks, here is the full list of businesses:

Organizations with more than 500 employees:

  • Chip Paucek, Co-Founder & CEO, 2U
  • Evin Shutt, Global CEO, 72andSunny
  • Carlos M Herrera, President & CEO, Aeropost Inc
  • Max Levchin, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Affirm, Inc
  • Thomas W Corbett, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Alliant Insurance Services
  • Allison Arzeno, CEO, Assurance IQ
  • Andrew Anagnost, President & CEO, Autodesk
  • John Connaughton & Jonathan Lavine, Co-Managing Partners; Josh Bekenstein & Steve Pagliuca, Co-Chairmen, Bain Capital 
  • Matthew McCarthy, CEO, Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc.
  • Ken Reali, CEO, Bioventus
  • Peter T. Grauer, Chairman, Bloomberg LP
  • Owen D. Thomas, Chairman & CEO, Boston Properties/BXP
  • Bill Magnuson, CEO & Co-Founder, Braze, Inc.
  • Whitney Wolfe Herd, Founder & CEO, Bumble
  • Isabelle Kenyon, Founder & CEO, Calibrate
  • Dan Brettler, CEO, Car Toys, Inc.
  • John Driscoll, CEO, Carecentrix
  • Jason Trevisan, CEO, CarGurus
  • Thomas W Scott, President & CEO, CentraState Healthcare System
  • Dan Rosensweig, CEO, Chegg, Inc. 
  • Marc Gorelick, President & CEO, Children’s Minnesota
  • Chris Britt, Co-Founder & CEO, Chime
  • Nic Barlage, CEO, Cleveland Cavaliers and Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse
  • Paul J. Dolan, Chairman & CEO, Cleveland Guardians
  • Roger Lynch, CEO, Condé Nast
  • Christa Quarles, CEO, Corel Corporation
  • Jeffrey M. Solomon, Chair & CEO, Cowen, Inc.
  • Kenneth Lin, Founder & CEO, Credit Karma
  • Eddie Fishman, Member of the Executive Committee, D. E. Shaw & Co., L.P.
  • Ed Stack, Executive Chairman; Lauren Hobart, President & CEO, DICK’S Sporting Goods
  • Ron Konezny, CEO, Digi International
  • Andrey Kudievskiy, CEO, Distillery Tech, Inc.
  • Tony Xu, CEO & Co-Founder, DoorDash, Inc.
  • Christophe Beck, Chairman, President & CEO, Ecolab
  • Richard Edelman, CEO, Edelman
  • Julia Hartz, Co-Founder & CEO, Eventbrite
  • Reid Connolly, CEO, Evoke
  • François Locoh-Donou, CEO, F5, Inc.
  • Tyler Turnbull, CEO, FCB
  • Ed Mitzen, CEO, Fingerpaint
  • Peter Finn, CEO, Finn Partners, Inc.
  • Adrian Aoun, CEO, Forward
  • Eddu Lu, CEO and Co-Founder, GOAT Group
  • Brandon Schneider, President & COO, Golden State Warriors
  • Nick Woodman, Founder & CEO, GoPro
  • Ariel Katz, CEO, H1
  • Seema Chaudhary, Chief Alliance Officer, Harbinger Systems
  • Ben Mand, CEO, Harmless Harvest
  • Russell Glass, CEO, Headspace Health
  • Philippe Krakowsky, CEO, Interpublic Group
  • Sasan Goodarzi, CEO, Intuit
  • Libby Wadle, CEO, J.Crew Group
  • Rob Frohwein, Co-Founder & Former CEO, Kabbage
  • Kendra Scott, Founder & Chairwoman, Kendra Scott LLC
  • Kenneth Cole, Chairman & CEO, Kenneth Cole Productions
  • Rick Greenberg, CEO, Kepler
  • Mike Doyle, President & CEO, Ketchum
  • J Schwan, CEO, Kin + Carta
  • Jieho Lee, Managing Partner, Knighted Ventures
  • Chuck Chupein, President, La Colombe Coffee Roasters
  • Jack Altman, CEO, Lattice
  • Daniel Schreiber, CEO; Shai Wininger, CEO, Lemonade
  • Chip Bergh, President & CEO, Levi Strauss & Co.
  • Neil M. Meltzer, President & CEO, LifeBridge Health
  • Luke J. Petherbridge, CEO, Link Logistics
  • Bracken Darrell, CEO, Logitech
  • Calvin McDonald, CEO, Lululemon Athletica
  • Logan Green, Co-Founder & CEO; John Zimmer, Co-Founder & President, Lyft
  • Don Weisberg, CEO & Jon Yaged, President & Incoming CEO, Macmillan Publishers
  • Jack Lynch, FACHE, President & CEO, Main Line Health
  • Zander Lurie, CEO, Momentive
  • Dev Ittycheria, President & CEO, MongoDB
  • Scott Gutz, CEO, Monster Worldwide
  • Vivek Sharma, CEO, Movable Ink
  • Tim Chen, CEO, NerdWallet
  • Wayne Ting, CEO, Neutron Holdings (Lime)
  • Sarah Friar, CEO, Nextdoor
  • Michael J. Dowling, President & CEO, Northwell Health
  • Jiajun Zhu, Cofounder and CEO, Nuro
  • Howard Marks & Bruce Karsh, Co-Chairs, Oaktree Capital Management
  • Toni Petersson, CEO, Oatly
  • Noah Glass, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Olo
  • John Wren, Chairman and CEO, Omnicom
  • Chris Foster, CEO, Omnicom Public Relations Group
  • Stacey Hightower, CEO, Omnicom Specialty Marketing Group
  • Mark Petroff, President & CEO, OneMagnify
  • Ryan Gellert, CEO, Patagonia
  • Madeline McIntosh, CEO, Penguin Random House U.S.
  • Manish Chandra, Founder & CEO, Poshmark, Inc.
  • Don Mullen, Founder & CEO, Pretium Partners, LLC
  • Rich Tauer, President, Quality Bicycle Products
  • Michelle Abbey, President & CEO, Radancy
  • SHANKAR NARAYANAN, CEO, Real Chemistry
  • Mike Laign, CEO, Redeemer Health
  • Frank Reig, CEO & Co-Founder, Revel
  • Zach Reitano, Co-Founder & CEO, Ro
  • Kathy Bloomgarden, CEO, Ruder Finn
  • Scott Rechler, CEO & Chairman, RXR
  • Laurence Baer, President & CEO, ​San Francisco Giants
  • Al Guido, President, San Francisco 49ers
  • Chris Howard, President & CEO, Sharp Hospital
  • Jon Oringer, Founder & CEO, Shutterstock
  • Brad Jackson, CEO, Slalom
  • Anthony Casalena, Founder & CEO, Squarespace
  • Amber Asher, CEO, Standard International
  • Edward Rosenfeld, Chairman & CEO, Steven Madden, Ltd.
  • Bryce Maddock, CEO, TaskUs
  • Satish Malhotra, CEO, and Garrett Boone, Chairman Emeritus, The Container Store
  • Richard S. Isaacs, MD, FACS, CEO & Executive Director, The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. President & CEO The MidAtlantic Permanente Medical Group, P.C. Kaiser Permanente
  • Jeff Lawson, Founder, CEO & Chairperson, Twilio
  • Esi Eggleston Bracey, President, Unilever United States
  • Daniel Ramot, Co-Founder & CEO, Via
  • Anjali Sud, CEO, Vimeo
  • John Hassoun, CEO, VTG
  • Melissa Waggener Zorkin, Global CEO & Founder, WE Communications
  • Gail Heimann, CEO, Weber Shandwick
  • Bismarck Lepe, President & CEO, Wizeline
  • Mark Read, CEO, WPP
  • Jim Lanzone, CEO, Yahoo
  • Jeremy Stoppelman, Co-Founder & CEO, Yelp
  • Vivek Shah, CEO, Ziff Davis

Organizations with fewer than 500 employees:

  • Pam Derderian, CEO, 15 Minutes
  • Sam Caucci, Founder & CEO, 1Huddle
  • Rachel Azaroff, CEO & Founder, 312 Society
  • Giovan Scialdone, President, 3S Americas, 3S Lift
  • Gary Sayed, President, 49 Square Realty Group, Inc. 
  • Mitchell Rabin, CEO, A Better World
  • Ashwani Dhar, CEO, Adlucent
  • Cathy Claesson, Publisher, Adventure Sports Journal
  • Alfredo Herrejon, President & CEO, AHA Dream Homes
  • Eddie Martucci, PhD, CEO & CO-Founder, Akili
  • Ellen Kinney, CEO, ALC
  • Alejandra Alonso Rojas, CEO, Alejandra Alonso Rojas
  • Alexander Julian, Founder & CEO, Alexander Julian, Inc.
  • Ken Chong, CEO, All Day Kitchens
  • Kevin Ryan, Founder & CEO, AlleyCorp
  • Minal Mehta, CEO,
  • Todd Burleson, Director & Founder, Alpine Ascents International
  • Hyoun Park, CEO, Amalgam Insights
  • Priscilla Sims Brown, President & CEO, Amalgamated Bank
  • Peter Angood MD, President & CEO, American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL)
  • Mariano Lopez, CEO, ANALYTICA
  • Harry M. Covert, CEO, Analytics Inside LLC
  • Anna Sui, Designer, Anna Sui
  • Beckett Fogg, CEO, AREA
  • Scott Andersen, Co-Owner, Artisan Dental
  • Mellody Hobson, Co-CEO, Ariel Investments
  • Mike Steib, CEO, Artsy
  • Andrei Cherny, CEO, Aspiration
  • Jon Patricof, CEO & Co-Founder, Athletes Unlimited
  • Abdur Chowdhury, CEO, Aura Home
  • John F Williams, II, CEO, Autocase
  • Paul Dreyer, CEO, Avid4 Adventure
  • Johnny Lincoln, CEO, Axiom Materials, Inc.
  • Katie McGrath & J.J. Abrams, Co-CEOs, Bad Robot Productions
  • Vanessa Laughlin, Principal, Banister Advisors, LLC
  • Stewart Keener, Partner, Bar Hygge
  • Paul Kermizian, CEO & Co-founder, Barcade
  • Edward Rogers, CEO, BeenThereDoneThat
  • Dana Bergeman,CEO, Bergeman Group
  • John Borthwick, CEO, betaworks
  • Bibhu Mohapatra, CEO Creative Director, Bibhu Mohapatra
  • Jenn Oxborrow, Executive Director, Bike Utah
  • Frank Sculli, CEO, BioDigital
  • Barbara Patrick, Owner, Bitty Birdie Design
  • Eric Blackledge, President, Blackledge Furniture
  • Jib Ellison, Founder & CEO, Blu Skye
  • Ronald James Fitzherbert, Managing Director, Blue Gothic Design Studios, LLC
  • Jason L. Burke, Owner, Blue House Acupuncture
  • Robert Budman, Managing Principal, BLVD Capital
  • Sam Kolbert-Hyle, President & CEO, Brandlive
  • Raphael Crawford-Marks, CEO, Bonusly
  • Brad Werntz, Founder & Managing Member, Boulders Climbing Gym
  • Dave McTague, CEO, Brandon Maxwell
  • Sheryl Daija, CEO, BRIDGE
  • Steve Giannini, CEO,
  • Nancy Felton, Treasurer, Broadside Bookshop, Inc.
  • Brian Rosenstein, CEO, Brookhill Corp.
  • Behnaz Ghahramani, CEO, Brother Vellies
  • Andrew Bleeker, President & Founder, Bully Pulpit Interactive
  • Flip Brown, CEO, Business Culture Consultants
  • Bonnie Young, Founder, BY.BONNIE YOUNG
  • Sameer Shariff, CEO, Cambly Inc.
  • Maxeme Tuchman, CEO & Co-Founder, Caribu
  • Michael Walsh, CEO, Cariloop
  • Craig Hewitt, Founder and CEO, Castos
  • Rony Elka Vardi, CEO, Catbird
  • Cathy Waterman, CEO, Cathy Waterman, Inc.
  • Mark G Mazzie, CEO, CfPIE, Inc.
  • Dorrit Lowsen, President & COO, Change Finance
  • Gina D’Andrea Weatherup, President, Chantilly Mediation and Facilitation, LLC
  • Charlotte Neuville, President & CEO, Charlotte Neuville Designs, LLC
  • John Saroff, CEO, Chartbeat
  • Maggie Kulyk, CEO & Founder, Chicory Wealth
  • Chloe Gosselin, CEO, Chloe Gosselin CG Design LL
  • Deborah Gavrin Frangquist, Principal, Chosen Futures
  • Chris Burkard, Founder, Chris Burkard Studio
  • George Favvas, CEO, Circle Medical
  • Dan Wagner, CEO, Civis Analytics
  • Clare Vivier, CEO, Clare V.
  • Claudia Li, Owner, CLAUDIA LI LLC
  • Trish Sparks, CEO, Clever
  • Wendi Sturgis, CRO, Cleverbridge
  • David Jaber, Founder, Climate Positive Consulting
  • Scott Rennak, Publisher & CEO, Climbing Business Journal
  • Robin Walter, CEO, Cloud Peak Expeditions
  • Jennifer Gurecki, CEO, Coalition Snow
  • Mary Allen Lindemann, Co-Founder & Community Builder, Coffee By Design
  • Ajax Greene, Founder & Principal, Coherence Collaborative
  • Christine Fruechte, CEO, Colle McVoy
  • Fay Shapiro, CEO & Publisher, CommPro Global, Inc.
  • Frank Altman, CEO, Community Reinvestment Fund
  • Jason Parkin, President & CCO, Compose[d]
  • Jillian Alexander, CEO & Managing Director, Strategy & Corporate Development practice, Conduit Consulting LLC
  • Vannessa Wade, Founder, Connect The Dots PR
  • Karen Marotta, Founder & CEO, Content Curators LLC
  • Bart Myers, CEO, Countable
  • Zara Bohan & Andrew Nesheim, Co-Owners, Coveside Coffee
  • Sam Roosz, Co-Founder & CEO, Crescendo Health
  • Bartholomew Kevin Cronin, President & CEO, CroninCRE, Inc.
  • Mike Fitzsimmons, CEO, Crosschq, Inc.
  • Sandra McCardell, President, Current-C Energy Systems, Inc.
  • Ngozi Okaro, Executive Director, Custom Collaborative
  • Colin Nederkoorn, CEO,
  • Cynthia Rowley, Founder & CEO, Cynthia Rowley
  • Brian Ree, President, Dailylook
  • Rachel Drori, CEO & Founder, Daily Harvest
  • David Meister, CEO & President, David Meister
  • Kim Getty, CEO, Deutsch LA
  • Michael Docktor, MD, CEO & Co-Founder, Dock Health
  • Scott Henderson, CEO & Co-Founder, Doing Good Works
  • Donald Deal, President, Donald Deal, Inc.
  • Cyrus Massoumi, CEO & Founder, Dr. B
  • Peggy Zwerver, Member, EARTH – Bread + Brewery LLC
  • Liz Rubin, CEO & Founder, Ecodeo
  • Kyna Fong, CEO & Founder, Elation Health
  • Kaitlin Young, CEO, Electrikk Digital
  • Molly He, CEO, Element Biosciences
  • John L Colonna, CEO & President, Elevate Outdoor Collective
  • Dennis Fortier, President & CEO, Embic Corporation
  • Glen Janssens, CEO, emotion studios, Inc.
  • Janine Yancey, Founder & CEO, Emtrain
  • Daniel Cardozo, CEO, Ethix Ventures
  • Annie Stuart, Owner, Encore Editorial Services
  • Vanessa Ogle, Chairman & CEO, Enseo
  • AJ Shankar, CEO, Everlaw
  • Bryce Phillips, Founder & CEO, Evo
  • Carin Canale-Theakston, CEO, Evoke Canale
  • Lisa Geason-Bauer, President, Evolution Marketing
  • Hooman Shahidi, President & Co-CEO, EVPassport
  • Faye Sahai, CEO, Exbourne
  • Michelle Lane Messina, CEO, Explora International
  • Ralph Nahas, President, F.A.C.T.S.
  • Perkins Miller, CEO, Fandom
  • Pradeep Elankumaran, Co-Founder & CEO, Farmstead
  • Jennifer Zimnowski, CEO & Founder, Figyr LLC
  • Derrick Chao, Founder & CEO, Filljoy, Inc
  • Matt Wyckhouse, Founder & CEO, Finite State
  • Luke Hohmann, Founder & CEO, FirstRoot, Inc.
  • Graham Hiemstra, Founder, Field Mag
  • Nicole Alvino, CEO & Co-Founder, Firstup
  • Mo Clancy & Stephen Goldman, Co-Founders & CEO, Five Suns Food
  • Sara Sutton, Founder & CEO, FlexJobs
  • Alex Kronman, CEO, Flytedesk
  • James K Jetland, President-Principal, Forte Real Estate Partners, LLC
  • Adam Meislik, Nicholas Rubin, Brian Weiss, Partners, Force Ten Partners
  • Kevin Holmes, CEO, Founders Network
  • Irma Rodriguez Mitton, Founder & CEO, Fruition Sustainability Solutions LLC
  • Jared Hecht, Founder, Fundera
  • Amy Hatch, Co-Founder, Garage Grown Gear
  • Michael Hoffman, CEO, Gather Voices
  • Ken Chenault, Chairman & Managing Director, General Catalyst
  • Tokya Dammond, CEO, Geni LLC
  • Lisa Alderson, CEO & Co-founder, Genome Medical
  • Taylor Asen, Partner, Gideon Asen LLC
  • Jon Pundyk, CEO, Glamorise Foundations, Inc.
  • Carleigh Walter, CEO & Founder, Global Cavalry Corp.
  • Sameer Misson, CEO, Gluon
  • Katherine Gold, President, CEO, Goldbug
  • Carrie Ritchie, Co-Founder & CEO, Good & Gold
  • David Redding, Founder & Manager, Goodfire Brewing Company
  • Manu Sharma, President, Gradient
  • Leslie Feinzaig, Managing Director, Graham & Walker
  • Rob Coughlin, General Manager, Granite Gear
  • Joseph E Walsh, Founder & CEO, Green Clean Maine
  • Kari Pedriana, CEO & Co-Founder, Green Spoon
  • Maximilian Winter, General Partner, Harmonix
  • John Harrington, President & CEO, Harrington Investments, Inc.
  • Chris Stakich, CEO, Health Academy
  • Adam Howard, CEO, Height of Land Publications
  • Shashank Samala, CEO, Heirloom
  • Sylvie Millstein, Owner & Creative Director, Hellessy LLC
  • Siqi Mou, CEO & Co-Founder, HelloAva
  • Michelle Hirons, CEO, HigherRing, Inc.
  • Edward Moed, CEO, Hot Paper Lantern
  • Andrea Coravos, CEO, HumanFirst
  • Prem Kumar, CEO, Humanly
  • Slava Rubin, Managing Partner, Humbition
  • Rob Volpe, CEO & Empathy Activist, Ignite 360
  • Lynda Berkowitz, CEO, ILIA Beauty
  • Jenifer Gorin, Founder & CEO, Impact Growth Partners
  • Ankur Goyal, CEO, Impira Inc.
  • Ian Schafer, Co-Founder & CEO, Improbable Media
  • Becky Center, CEO, Indiegogo
  • Beth Monaghan, Founder & CEO, Inkhouse
  • Sohin Shah, President, InstaLend Corporation
  • Nick Footer, CEO, Intuitive Digital
  • Aakash Sastry, CEO, Itsme
  • Dave Habiger, President & CEO, J.D. Power and Associates
  • Gary Lourie, CEO & CFO, Jonathan Simkhai, Inc.
  • Stephanie Jones, President, JONESWORKS
  • Kristin Savilia, CEO, JOOR
  • Julie Keener, Partner, Justop LLC
  • Cody Duval, CEO & Founder, Keeping
  • Kenneth Nicholson, Creative Director, Kenneth Nicholson
  • Jyotsna Mehta, CEO, Keva Health Inc.
  • Katja Creech & Dennis Creech, Co-Founders & Co-CEOs, Kid Works Creative Learning Centers
  • Jason Kang, CEO, Kinnos
  • Karthik Krishna, Founder & CEO, KKrish Energy
  • Gabrielle Zucker, CEO; Aaron Kwittken, Founder & Chairman, KWT Global
  • Peter Laing, Managing Member, L. Mawby, LLC
  • Steven Lagos, Chairman & CEO, LAGOS
  • Sarah Adelson, CEO, LAPOINTE
  • Mark Laufer, CEO, Laufer Group Int’l Ltd.
  • Steven Lagos, Chairman & CEO; Donna L. LaVoie, CEO, LaVoieHealthScience
  • Jason Averbook, CEO, Leapgen
  • Lilliane LeBel, President & CEO, LeBel Marketing
  • Eva Bianchi Jean, CEO, lemlem
  • Jessica Cordova Kramer, CEO & Co-founder, Lemonada Media
  • Lili Chemla, CEO, LESET
  • Loh-Sze Leung, Principal & Owner, Leung Consulting LLC
  • Lisa Marie Fernandez, Owner & Founder, LISA MARIE FERNANDEZ
  • Jane M Norton, Chief Activator, Living Nature’s Design
  • Lizzie Fortunato, Founder & Creative Director, Lizzie Fortunato Jewels
  • Hari Sekhar, CEO, Locate Software, Inc.
  • Michelle Smith & Stacey Griffith, Co-Founders & Co-CEOs, Love & Sports
  • Rachel Silver, CEO, Love Stories TV
  • Scott Almquist, CEO, Lucidity Lights, Inc.
  • Don Blackowiak, Co-Founder, Lucuma Designs
  • Brian Berger, Founder & CEO, Mack Weldon
  • Ben Herman, Founder & CEO, Mad Fish Digital
  • Brian Berrios, Haed, Mailbox & Sign Solutions
  • Maiya Holliday, CEO & Founder, Mangrove Web
  • David H. Ackert, Founder & CEO, Maple Craft Foods, LLC
  • Marcia Sweigert, Principal, Marcia Sweigert Interiors
  • Marina Maher, CEO, Marina Maher Communications
  • Mark J. Guay, CEO, Mark J. Guay, PC
  • Akshay Venkitasbramanian, CEO, Mental Health Solutions, Inc.
  • Aaron Block, Managing Partner, MetaProp
  • Michelle Smith, Founder & CEO, Michelle Smith
  • Tim Frick, President, Mightybytes
  • Michael W. Kempner, CEO, MikeWorldWide
  • Rachel Klausner, Founder & CEO, Millie
  • Mimi So, CEO, Mimi So
  • Carrie Fox, CEO, Mission Partners
  • Maggie Malek, CEO, MMI Agency
  • Christina Hemmen, Founder & CEO, Modern Human HR
  • Jamie McLaughlin, CEO, Monday Talent
  • Gayle Reaume, CEO, Moolah U
  • Deborah Moore, Broker Owner, Moore-Tuttle and Co. LLC
  • Blessing Adesiyan, CEO & Founder, Mother Honestly
  • Cara Lackey, CEO, Motion Giraffx
  • Grin Lord, CEO,
  • Andrew Fisher, CEO, Myriad360
  • Prerna Gupta, CEO, Mysterious
  • Gene Homicki, CEO,, pbc
  • Larry Dunivan, CEO, Namely
  • Jennifer Piette, Founder & CEO, Narrative Food
  • Greg Behrman, CEO & Founder, NationSwell
  • Eric Quick, CEO, Natural Provisions & PocketCFO
  • Dan Parham, CEO, Neighborland
  • Steven Salsberg, Chairman, NetTech
  • Michael Prindiville, CEO, New Meta Entertainment, Inc.
  • Jack Bedwani, CEO & Founder, New Moon
  • Michael Rolph, Partner, New Sincerity
  • Navjit Bhasin, CEO & Founder, Newmine
  • Ajit Bharwani, Co-Founder & CEO,
  • Neil Jacobs, Founder, NI Jacobs & Associates
  • Andrei Papancea, CEO, NLX
  • Tiffany Kirk, Owner & CEO, Northeast Fasteners Co., Inc.
  • David Taus, Founder, North Fork Media LLC
  • Sachin Rekhi, Founder & CEO, Notejoy
  • Nick Gough, CEO, NoteRouter
  • Drew Saunders, General Manager, Oberalp North America
  • Steven Rosenblatt, Co-Founder & General Partner, Oceans
  • Hanneke Willenborg, CEO, OLLY
  • Christian Roth, CEO, OPTICAL AFFAIRS
  • Brian Heifferon, Co-Founder, Outbound Collective
  • Elizabeth McNichols, CEO, Outcast
  • Robin Thurston, CEO, Outside Inc.
  • Jess Fiaschetti, President, OutsidePR
  • Juliana Stancampiano, CEO, Oxygen Exp
  • Philip Hoffman, CEO, Page Per Page
  • Susan M Greene, Owner, Paint Imagery, LLC
  • Sophia Yen MD, CEO & Co-founder, Pandia Health
  • Natalise Kalea Robinson, Co-Founder & CEO, Parallel Health
  • Doug Aley, CEO, Paravision
  • Paul Morelli, President, Paul Morelli Design, Inc.
  • Jordan Stolper, CEO, Peterson’s
  • Jeffrey Lurie, Chairman & CEO, Philadelphia Eagles
  • Jon Lindsay Phillips, Founder & CEO, PhillComm Global
  • Andrew Fingerman, CEO, PhotoShelter
  • Sam Pollaro, Co-CEO, PicassoMD
  • Jenn Richey Nicholas, CEO & Partner, Pixel Parlor
  • GiGi Gutiérrez, Executive Director, Planta
  • Louis Bucciarelli, CEO, Playvox
  • Erik Olson, Founder, Portland Design Works
  • Andrew & Briana Volk, Co-Owners, Portland Hunt + Alpine Club
  • Rajat Suri, Founder & CEO, Presto
  • Christopher Gavigan, Founder & Co-CEO, PRIMA
  • Kay Hong, CEO, Proenza Schouler
  • Matt Prohaska, CEO & Principal, Prohaska Consulting
  • Lauren McKinnon, CEO, Project Mockingbird
  • Lorraine Schuchart, Founder & CEO, Prosper for Purpose LLC
  • David Shick, President & CEO, ProSure Group, LLC 
  • Ashley Scholl, President, Protein Research
  • Greg Artzt, CEO, PunchAlert
  • Brandon Trammell, Founder & Principal, Purpose Financial + Insurance Services
  • Jayant Kulkarni, CEO, Quartzy
  • Kristy Lewis, Founder & Chief Visionary Officer, QUINN
  • Rachel Zoe, CEO, Rachel Zoe, Inc.
  • Kabeer Mamnoon, Co-CEO, Ready State
  • Julie Van Ness, CEO, Real Leaders
  • Adam Siegel, CEO, Recurate
  • David Heller, CEO & Co-Founder, Reimbi
  • Mikaela A Kiner, Founder & CEO, Reverb
  • Amy Binder, CEO, RF|Binder
  • Nate Checketts, Co-Founder & CEO, Rhone
  • Heather B. Sanborn, Co-Owner, Rising Tide Brewing Company
  • Crystal Mario, CEO, Rivanna Natural Designs, Inc.
  • Nikhil Bharadwaj, Founder & CEO, Rivet
  • Vikram Bhaskaran, CEO & Co-founder, Roon
  • Ralph Rucci, Designer & CEO, RR 331 LLC
  • William C. Rudin, Co-Chairman & CEO, Rudin Management Company, Inc.
  • SACHIN AHLUWALIA, CEO & Founder, Sachin & Babi
  • Mike Forbes, CEO, Safely
  • Karalyn Monteil, President & CEO, San Francisco Heritage
  • JJ Sutherland, CEO, Scrum, Inc.
  • Dipak Mahato, Founder & CEO, SeaChange Technologies
  • Andrea Volpe, CFO & COO, Selima Optique
  • Dawn Sword, Founder & Creative Director, Serendipity Creative LLC
  • Alison Whritenour, CEO, Seventh Generation
  • Dilip Rao, CEO & Co-Founder, Sharebite
  • Rachel Murray, Co-CEO, She Geeks Out
  • Stefan Doering, Founder & Managing Director, Shift Group
  • Moe AlKadi, Co-Founder & CEO, Sibly
  • Hemant Sikaria, CEO & Co-Founder, Sibros Technologies, Inc.
  • Bob Silagi, Founder, Silagi Research and Insights
  • Dan Josebachvili, CEO, Silvertree
  • Leon Miller-Out, CEO, Singlebrook
  • Craig Halper, CEO, Six Red Marbles
  • Matt Cooper, CEO, Skillshare
  • Drew Bryant, Founder & Creative Principal, Slate Shepherd
  • Joshua Guttman, CEO, Small Door, Inc.
  • Mallory Blair, CEO & Co-Founder, Small Girls PR
  • Neil Capel, CEO, Solve
  • Chris Lyon, CEO, SPAN Digital
  • Christophe Jammet, President, Sparkify
  • Shripriya Mahesh, Founding Partner, Spero Ventures
  • Jared Shusterman, CEO, SproutLoud Media Networks, LLC
  • Greg Silverman, CEO & President, Stampede Ventures
  • Paul Pluschkell, CEO, StartupOS
  • Steve Kaye, Owner, Steve Kaye Photo
  • David Lusterman, Chairman, Stringletter Media
  • Kevin Wilhelm, Founder & CEO, Sustainable Business Consulting
  • Richard Allen Williams, Managing Member, Sustainable Hosting, LLC
  • Ron Conway, Founder, SV Angel
  • Micah Green, President & CEO, TAILOS
  • Kelly O’Brien, Principal, Tendaji LLC
  • Aimee Woodall, CEO, The Black Sheep Agency
  • Rastko Ilic, CEO, Thomalex
  • Kyle Arteaga, CEO, The Bulleit Group
  • Luke Mehall, Publisher, The Climbing Zine
  • Yasin Abbak, CEO, The Convoy
  • Amanda Robertson, CEO, The Farthest Pixel
  • Eileen Rochford, CEO, The Harbinger Group
  • Jeff Hayes, President & CEO, The Myers-Briggs Company
  • Kelly Chmielewski, Founder, The Possibility Shop
  • Lisa Rodriguez, CEO, The Seismic Collaborative
  • Darren Gold, CEO, The Trium Group
  • Heidi Zak, Co-Founder & CEO, ThirdLove
  • Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive
  • Luke Hejl, CEO & Co-Founder, TimelyMD
  • Eddie Geller, CEO, Tinybeans USA Ltd
  • Gordon Seabury, CEO, Toad&Co
  • Magnus Wedhammar, CEO, TOMS Shoes
  • Tony Post, CEO & Founder, Topo Athletic
  • Cameron Yarbrough, CEO, Torch
  • Dan Guido, CEO, Trail of Bits
  • Brian Durst, Chairman & CEO, Tribe 9 Foods
  • Matthew W. Patsky, CFA & CEO, Trillium Asset Management LLC
  • Gayle Tait, CEO, Trove
  • Daniel Burrows, CEO & Founder, TruckLabs
  • Steve Mostofsky, President & CEO, TTI Global Resources
  • Jeff Chen, CEO, TurboLayer
  • Eddie Tuvin, CEO, Tuvin & Tuvin, LTD. 
  • Meghan Jewitt, CEO, Uniform Teeth
  • Janice M. Abraham, President & CEO, United Educators Insurance
  • Alisa Herr, CEO, Unity Web Agency
  • Kyle Ransom, CEP, Uply Media, Inc.
  • Mike Nagle, Owner, Uppercut Barber Shop
  • Joe DiStefano, CEO, UrbanFootprint
  • Sara Locke, Founder & Director, Vacationisms Travel Services
  • Yat-Pang Au, Founder & CEO, Veritas Investments
  • Dagny Tucker, Founder & CEO, Vessel
  • Sally Hurley, CEO, VIPdesk connect
  • Ainslie Mayberry, CEO, Virtual CFO, Inc.
  • Mary Stelletello, Founder, Vista Global Coaching & Consulting
  • Ryan Grant, CEO & Founder, Vori Health
  • Dulanie Ellis-La Barre, Producer & Director, Walk Your Talk Productions
  • Mackinnon Engen, Executive Director, Watsi
  • Sarah Adler, CEO, Wave Life
  • Liz Wessel, Co-Founder, WayUp
  • Mark Kohlenberg, CEO, WDM Footwear and Accessories
  • Quincy Brown, Principle Planner & Co-founder, We All Rise
  • Ashley Gilmore Reid, CEO & Founder, Wellist
  • Neil Waller, Co-Founder, Whalar
  • Amy Baxter, Co-CEO & Founder, Whipp Media
  • Shay DiCocco, CEO, Wildgood
  • Willy Chavarria, President, WILLY CHAVARRIA
  • Sara Mauskopf, CEO, Winnie
  • Raj Amin, CEO & Co-Founder, Wise Therapeutics
  • Leon Gomez, Founder, WOW Innovation
  • Geoff Ralston, President, Y Combinator
  • Andrew Chae, Founder, Yin Yang Naturals
  • Greg Gonzalez & Joe Cloyes, Co-Founders, Youth To The People
  • Shan-Lyn Ma, Co-CEO & Co-Founder, Zola

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