Professor Calls 911 on Cop for Wearing Gun, Uniform in Class

in Authors, Current Events, S.H. Blannelberry

Josh Collins is a Sergeant for the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office. He is also a student a Loyola University in New Orleans.

Recently, Collins attended class while in uniform and armed with his duty pistol. Apparently, he was busy at work — you know, serving and protecting the community — so he didn’t have time to go home and change.

While in class that day Collins put one of his peers on edge. Because, well, because he was armed with a gun!  You know, one of those evil, scary firearms!

Yes, in case you’re wondering, hoplophobia (fear of guns) is so rampant at colleges and universities in this country that even uniformed law enforcement officers make students feel uncomfortable.

It gets worse.  The student then went to the professor to complain about Collins and his exposed gun.  Instead of telling this concerned student to sit down and shut up (and grow a pair), the professor phoned campus police to report the student’s complaint.  To clarify, the professor — a man of serious erudition who is entrusted to educate students — called the campus police to inform them that there was a sheriff in the classroom!

As Loyola explained the incident:

A student in the class saw another student with a firearm, and during a class break said something to the teacher. The teacher contacted campus security to determine university policy. Campus security directed the teacher to confirm that the student with the firearm works in law enforcement. The teacher confirmed that the student worked in law enforcement and the class resumed at the end of the break.

Where is the common sense in this situation? He was in uniform! With his badge! It doesn’t take a professor genius to figure out that he works in law enforcement!

Yet, this is college we’re talking about, which means “feelings” come first, you know, before facts and reason.

According to Sgt. Collins, the professor asked him if he could “hide his gun” to help put the worried student at ease. Sgt. Collins, rightly, refused to comply with the request.

In a post on Facebook, Sgt. Collins talked about his experience with the professor.

You know, as a white male conservative, I have put up with a lot of prejudicial and biased comments directed towards me while attending Loyola University New Orleans. I usually think the comments are funny because the ideals of a 18 year old ultra socialist frankly are funny to me. But today made me sad for the youth and the college I have attended for 8 years. Given how busy we have been this past week, including today, I showed up to class late and was still in full uniform because I didn’t have time to change. Obviously, being in full police uniform, I was armed. This is the first time after having six previous classes that anyone became aware of my profession. Shortly after my arrival, a fellow classmate complained to the professor of their uncomfortableness of having an armed police officer in the class. Mind you, I have sat in the same class for the last six weeks in civilian clothing. My professor then called the police. Of course I was not privileged to either of these conversations as they took place behind my back. My professor then pulled me out of class and told me that he had called the police based on the student complaint The police obviously never came and told him over the phone that I was perfectly within the law.
First of all, what type of over sensitive indoctrinated liberal flower petals has this generation created that they are scared of going to school with a uniformed police officer.
Secondly, how ironical and dumbfounding is it that you called the police to tell them that there was a police officer sitting in your class. Loyola University, a Jesuit Institution, prides itself on its commitment to social justice. However, in creating an environment where everyone is accepted for who they are, you have now created an environment where I have been ostracized. As a police officer, I feel as though I must hide my profession in order to obtain a fair education.
Funniest of all, the title of the class is LAW AND MORALITY.


I was going to go on a rant about how screwed up colleges and universities but then I came across this video featuring conservative columnist George Will. If you have time, watch it. He hits the nail on the head, for sure.

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