Prepping 101: Zika, Population Control & Planetary Collapse – Buy Your Bed Tents Now

in Authors, Paul Helinski, Prepping 101
This week I'm just giving my regular readers a heads up that this new "Zika" threat is probably going to explode by summer. Already I have gotten "out of stock" emails from Ebay sellers, and the sellers from China are now floating prices exponentially higher than they were even three weeks ago.

This week I’m just giving my regular readers a heads up that this new “Zika” threat is probably going to explode by summer. Already I have gotten “out of stock” emails from Ebay sellers, and the sellers from China are now floating prices exponentially higher than they were even three weeks ago.

Mosquito Bed Nets on Ebay
Mosquito Suits
Mosquito Hats

Zika Outbreak 2015 Wikipedia
Genetically Engineered Mosquitos Released Brazil July 15
Was Zika Caused by GM Mosquitos? – Mirror UK
UN Warns of Food Crisis
Sea Mammals Dying from Inside Out
Sardine Population Collapse 2015
Grim Outlook for California Fisheries
Earth Warming 50x Faster Than After Ice Age
Wing Tip Aerosol Spraying
Gag Order NOAA & National Weather Service Employees
Arctic Circle Nowcast

It is extremely rare that I suggest a product to you without testing it first, but this week I think it is prudent to let you know what is going on out there in the world of mosquito netting. Big surprise, prices are going up due to the Zika scare, and availability is going down. I got three order cancellations on Ebay in the past few weeks, from sellers in China selling direct from the factory. The spread of Zika is much more of a threat than we are being led to believe. By summer,as mosquito populations increase, cases of Zika will skyrocket, and when the first wave of babies in born in Brazil, from the estimated over 4,000 cases now, the world will be scrambling for ways to keep mosquitoes at bay. If you have females in your group in danger of getting pregnant, now would be the time to purchase some netting products yourself.

The explosion in cases of Microcephaly, a birth defect that produces babies with small heads,  is mostly limited to Brazil right now, but that was not coincidentally where genetically modified mosquitoes were released last July. There is some serious hanky panky going on.

The explosion in cases of Microcephaly, a birth defect that produces babies with small heads, is mostly limited to Brazil right now, but that was not coincidentally where genetically modified mosquitoes were released last July. There is some serious hanky panky going on.

The majority of the video above deals with my feelings about Zika, and more importantly, Microcephaly, the birth defect that is being reported to have been caused by the Zika virus. It is almost impossible that there is a causal relationship between Zika and Microcephaly. Zika has been around since 1947, and there has never been a correlation to any subsequent ailment, let alone a repetitive birth defect. More likely, it is the genetically engineered mosquitoes that were released in Brazil last July that are causing the birth defects, but the science will be covered up.

I chose to warn you about this threat now, because I don’t think this is going to be another Avian Flu or Ebola type of fear porn scare. As I explained in my October, 2014 article on Ebola, there is zero chance that a regular virus or bacterial infection could reach epidemic proportions in the US. We all know how things spread, and it is pretty easy to protect yourself from any kind of viral or bacterial infection. This is not true of viruses transferred via mosquitoes. Living in South Florida, I can tell you that mosquitoes always find their way in, and no matter what you do, you’ll always get bitten.

The threat of having a child with Microcephaly will be used to control population growth in third world countries, and that is why I feel that the “Zika” outbreak will be played hard, worldwide.

It may be hard to see in the US, where we waste over 40% of our food. But worldwide, there is a terrible food shortage. I tried to find a complete graph of production vs. consumption for grains, corn, protein, etc., but there are just too many that would take up much more attention than this column commands. If you want to dig in, by all means, dig in. The numbers that I can find make it pretty clear that food production worldwide, though it has grown, is not keeping up with the population growth.

The problem is, controlling procreation is only easy when you are China. Latin America and Africa have no singular iron fist that must be obeyed. Forcing people to not have children is nearly impossible, because in 3rd world cultures, having children is the only way to guarantee that you’ll be taken care of when you are no longer able to work.

Small headed Microcephaly baby pictures will be flooding the worldwide media by summer I think. This should self regulate pregnancy in those places, because a small headed child with learning problems is unlikely to be able to care for his parents in old age.

Problem solved, right?

The larger problem is one of an explosion in worldwide population growth, and the abuse of fossil fuels. Turns out that global warming is actually real, and not a bunch of bullshit dreamed up by Al Gore.  Gore was a cover to keep us right wingers "against" climate change. In reality, Gore's numbers were tame compared to what is really going on. Febuary 2016 was again the most anomalist warm month ever, since records have been kept.  This graphic is from It shows the thickness of the Arctic cap over the past year.  Last March the ice was over 5 meters thick in a large area. This year it is a tiny area, and probably it will melt all the way this summer.

The larger problem is one of an explosion in worldwide population growth, and the abuse of fossil fuels. Turns out that global warming is actually real, and not a bunch of bullshit dreamed up by Al Gore. Gore was a cover to keep us right wingers “against” climate change. In reality, Gore’s numbers were tame compared to what is really going on. Febuary 2016 was again the most anomalist warm month ever, since records have been kept. This graphic is from It shows the thickness of the Arctic cap over the past year. Last March the ice was over 5 meters thick in a large area. This year it is a tiny area, and probably it will melt all the way this summer. Click this picture to watch the animation. It is also in the video.

Well, no. And I am sure that my regular readers know why. As I have explained on several occasions, I figured out about this time last year that the biggest threat we face as a species is in fact,

Global warming.

Don’t get pissed and shut your brain off ok. That is what I used to do before I got a clue. Because our thinking about global warming, climate change, whatever you want to call it, is generally that of a scam.

Unfortunately, global warming is much worse than we have been led to believe. Febuary, 2016 was again the warmest month on record since record keeping began.

All of that nonsense about leaked climatologist emails and Al Gore’s carbon credits scam were all a set up so that the right wingers would have “evidence” against global warming. We have been set up to be the enemy, while the establishment plays a game of “cover your ass,” warning us about global warming and climate change, while sugar coating the truth by making the temperatures much colder in the Eastern US than they should be compared to the worldwide average.

They do this with weather, modification geoengineering technology, none of which has been acknowledged publicly as operational.

The white trails that you see behind the airplanes, the ones that linger all afternoon, are part of the program, called “Solar Radiation Management.” (SRM) The word “chemtrails” was actually introduced by congress in legislation attempting to limit the weaponization of such technologies. Officially, “chemtrails” are a conspiracy theory, but if you Google around about SRM, you’ll find that it is a field of established science, not conspiracy theory, and that a number of whistleblowers have come forth.

You are being sprayed with nanoparticles of aluminum, barium, strontium, and a cocktail of other chemicals every day. The health effects have resulted in skyrocketing cases of Autism, Alzheimers, and respiratory disease. Monstanto patented an aluminum resistant strain of GM corn last year, because the spraying is also causing crop failures as the metallic pollution has built up in the soil. Off the chart levels of aluminum have shown up in everything from whales to bees, worldwide.

Below are some video of the spraying. I don’t really care at this point if you believe it or not. We are all on this for the ride at this point. I don’t see a way out that is within the bounds of human potential. Science isn’t going to save us. Human morality isn’t going to save us. Love of children, country, life itself isn’t going to save us. It’s too late.

But I do think that the cabal running this show has a plan. And those plans always come with unforeseen consequences, I’d like to be around to see what the plan entails. That is why I took on this column as a weekly enterprise, and I hope that at least some of you have taken your own survival seriously and gone out and bought flour, beans, rice, and even #10 cans of pasta from the Mormons. Yes, you should have guns and ammunition too, but there will be no windfall in gold and silver. Please pass this information to your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues. I really hope that I am wrong, but I think we are getting down to the end of the line. It isn’t about trying to convince anyone of anything. The science of our planetary collapse and the geoengineering to try to stop it aren’t a secret. The only “secret” is that they are spraying us now. And for that all you have to do is look up.

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