Police Release New Video Evidence in Baldwin Shooting Debacle

in Current Events, This Week

Police in Santa Fe, New Mexico, this week released several videos taken in and around the set of the movie “Rust” where Alec Baldwin shot two people late last year.

Most of the footage appears to concentrate on the time directly before and after the shooting, including when the police arrived on the scene to conduct interviews of the parties involved.

They do not include Baldwin’s actual shooting of the victims, deceased cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, and director Joel Souza. 

Amid the release of the new evidence, media outlets report a slew of lawsuits and other oddities in relation to the case:

The script supervisor is suing Alec Baldwin.

The armorer is suing the ammo company and the company that provided the gun.

The head of lighting is suing Alec Baldwin.

Ms. Hutchins’ family is suing Alec Baldwin and other producers.

CNN reports that Ms. Hutchins’ family has written a letter and is demanding the Santa Fe Police Department take down the videos so that Ms. Hutchins’ child isn’t bullied.

SEE ALSO: Another Magic Bullet Theory? Baldwin Tells ABC: ‘I didn’t pull the trigger’

“While the damage of publishing the video is irreparable, taking down the video will end your office’s complicity in causing further harm,” the letter reads.

The State of New Mexico, following an investigation into the on-set safety environment, has fined the movie producers $136,793 for firearm violations, the maximum allowed by law.

As for Baldwin, the actor recounts what happened in his own words shortly after the shooting.

“I take the gun out slowly. I turn, I cock the pistol,” Baldwin says, per NPR. “Bang, it goes off. She (Hutchins) hits the ground. She goes down. He (Souza) goes down screaming.”

Baldwin has explicitly denied in follow-up media interviews that he pulled the trigger.

Despite the finger-pointing and denials, questions remain that the videos fail to answer. Why was the gun pointed at the director and cinematographer of the film? How did the gun just “go off”? How did live rounds get on set and in the gun?

Many are now speculating on Twitter:

Perhaps, the only thing that makes sense is the statement from Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the 24-year-old armorer with fluorescent yellow and purple hair.

She said, “Mr. Baldwin knew that he could never point a firearm at crew members under any circumstances and had a duty of safety to his fellow crew members. Yet he did point the gun at Halyna before the fatal incident against all rules and common sense.”

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