Oklahoma Gun Store Declares ‘Muslim-Free Zone’ To ‘Protect Local Soldiers’

in Authors, Brent McCluskey, Rapid Fire, This Week

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An Oklahoma gun store and shooting range has closed its doors to all Muslims in an attempt to help protect a small town’s military recruiting station.

Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gear in Oktaha is managed by Chad Neal, a military veteran who served in Iraq. The town also hosts a mall with a military recruiting station inside, and Neal doesn’t want Muslims training at his range for fear that they might later attack the local military forces.

Neal welcomes guns on the store’s premises, but not Muslims. On the window hangs two signs.

One reads: “Guns are welcome on premises.”

But the other reads: “This privately owned business is a Muslim free establishment, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Thank you.”

“I didn’t want any terrorists, or Muslims, cult, whatever you want to call them, training on my gun range,” said Neal. “There is a military recruiting station in the mall in Muskogee, and I thought this was one thing I could do to help protect our local soldiers.”

While business have the right to refuse service to any customer of their choosing, that decision can’t be made on the basis of race alone.

“It is clear to us that the establishment of Muslim-free zones is a violation of the law,” said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. “There are clear laws that prohibit discrimination based on religion. This kind of thing is in violation of the U.S. Constitution and the American sprit of respect for the rule of law.”

Neal, however, argues that the Muslims’ religious beliefs pose a danger to his gun range.

“I know [what] the Quran says about lying to infidels and killing infidels,” said Neal. “I don’t want them practicing those religious beliefs on my range.”

CAIR has filed a lawsuit against the gun store, claiming that their segregation of Muslims violates the federal public accommodations law.

(This article was submitted by freelance writer Brent Rogers)

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