New Jersey Congresswoman Introduces: ’Stop Online Ammunition Act of 2015’

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

Anti-gunners never get tired of coming up with ways to restrict our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The latest attempt comes from New Jersey congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, who last week introduced the “Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015.

Yes, to answer your question, the bill is as dumb as it sounds. As the NRA-ILA pointed out, this ill-conceived legislation would do all of the following:

  • FORCE you to submit a photo ID in-person every time you purchase any ammunition;
  • REPORT you to Obama’s anti-gun U.S. Attorney General if you purchase more than 1,000 rounds within a five day period;
  • REGISTER ammunition buyers like you in a database maintained by Obama’s bureaucrats at the Department of Justice.

Sound reasonable? Sound Constitutional? Sound like something our founders and framers would endorse?

Nope, nope and nope. Nevertheless, Watson Coleman believes it will save lives.

“Today, I stood with faith leaders, community members, and elected officials who all agree that we need to take every action available to us to reduce gun violence, and the tragic impact it has on our communities,” said the Democratic lawmaker at a press conference last Tuesday. “This bill would take the most basic steps to slow the proliferation of guns and ammunition, helping to prevent events like what we saw in Aurora, Colorado three years ago. Congress can, and must do more to keep our families safe, and we’re urging them to do just that.”

Cosponsor of the bill, Rep. Frank Pauline echoed those remarks, “Far too many times, we have seen the shocking images of unspeakable gun violence that could have been prevented. Our bill to limit the online sale of ammunition is a long-overdue common sense reform that I am hopeful will spark Congress to put aside party difference and come together to help prevent such senseless tragedies.”

“Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015” would do absolutely nothing to prevent criminals or mass killers from obtaining ammunition. Instead, what it would do is further chill the rights of law-abiding citizens by making it more difficult to purchase ammo. It also opens the door for greater government oversight and intrusion. After all, who is going to keep the running tally on who buys what when and, subsequently, who is an imminent threat and who is just a regular schmo?

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