New Bill Guarantees Social Security Beneficiaries Retain Their Second Amendment Rights

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Brent McCluskey, This Week

One Social Security chairman is fighting back in response to the 2013 presidential memorandum that essentially prohibits Social Security beneficiaries from owning guns.

Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee Chairman Sam Johnson (R-Texas) introduced a bill called the Social Security Beneficiary Second Amendment Rights Protection Act that would keep our senior citizens armed up.

On January 13, 2013, President Obama issued a memorandum forcing the Social Security administration to hand over information to the National Instant Criminal Background check System. Once a Social Security beneficiary is placed on the NICS’ list, they are prohibited from owning a firearm.

But Johnson plans to fight for Social Security beneficiaries and help ensure they retain their Second Amendment rights.

“It’s no secret President Obama isn’t’ a fan of our Second Amendment,” said Johnson. “Because he failed to push his gun control agenda through Congress, his Administration is now seeking to deny millions of law-abiding Americans their right to bear arms by going through Social Security. Old age or a disability does not make someone a threat to society. These folks should be able to defend themselves just like everyone else, and Social Security has no business stripping them of that right. This bill puts a stop to yet another overreach by the Obama Administration. I am committed to ensuring the rights of all Americans are protected.”

(This article was a submission by freelance writer Brent Rogers)

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