Miss South Carolina Says Gun Education Is Better Than Gun Control

in Authors, Brent McCluskey, Rapid Fire, This Week

While competing for the title of Miss America, Miss South Carolina Daja Dial confidently replied to a question on gun control by saying she doesn’t support it.

The gun control question came from Amy Purdy, who asked, “America loves our Second Amendment, but gun violence continues to be a tragic problem. Do you support a ban on military-style assault weapons?”

Without missing a beat, Dial responded by saying gun violence doesn’t stem from the guns, but those pulling the trigger.

“I don’t [support such a ban]… we need to increase education,” said Dial. “We have to go back there. If we teach people the proper way to use guns, then we will reduce the risk of having gun-related accidents. It starts with education.”

The Miss America Organization was quick to post Dial’s response on their Facebook page, which was filled with positive remarks about her poised answer.

(This article was a submission by freelance writer Brent Rogers)

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