A Mini Predator? The Empty Shells XM556 MicroGun—SHOW Show 2017

in Authors, Jon Hodoway, SHOT Show 2017, Uncategorized

To learn more, visit https://www.emptyshell.us/xm556-microgun/.


We all know the famous GE M134 Minigun from the movie “Predator,” right? My first thought was “mini, minigun” as I looked over the XM556 Microgun from Empty Shell Defense. This is a .556 version of the 7.62mm six-barreled, rotating machine-guns build by General Electric then sold to General Dynamics and perfected by Dillon Aero.

The guys at Empty Shell Defense have taken the approach that now is a great time to rethink the XM214 Microgun from General Electric. This was the scaled down .556 version of the M134 minigun.

A Mini Predator? The Empty Shells XM556 MicroGun—SHOW Show 2017

The XM556 Microgun is am impressive 5.56mm full auto gun that we found at SHOT Show 2017.


  • Chambering: 5.56mm
  • Barrel: 10 or 16 inch
  • OA Length: 22 inches
  • Weight: 16 pounds
  • Fire Mode: Full Auto
  • Rate of Fire: 3,000 to 6,000 RPM
  • Feed System: M-27 linked ammo belt
A Mini Predator? The Empty Shells XM556 MicroGun—SHOW Show 2017

The XM556 is an electric minigun that is chambered for the 5.56mm cartridge. Image courtesy of the manufacturer.


I must say that I like Empty Shell Defense’s take on the whole thing. The parts are not just a smaller version of the original M134, but were re designed from the ground up over a two-and-a-half-year period by one guy with no training, no college, just a GED.  This re design centers around a new style bolt to eliminates the know issues with the M134 bolt. In this makeover, he removed 11lbs and 5” in overall all length to make this a one-man gun. They tell me that there are over a dozen patents pending on the XM556.

This defensive suppression weapon is meant to stand in place of anywhere high suppressive fire is needed without the weight or footprint of the larger less man portable guns can fit. The gun will run off 12 or 24 DC Volts. The rate of fire is 2000-4000 rounds per minute based on the voltage supplied to the gun. It will work with some mounts and accessories designed for the M134.

Pricing & Availability

This is currently only being offered to military and law enforcement. I did ask about a hand crank model and was told we have a lot of ideas in the works. I don’t know how yet, but I will get a turn on one of these guns!

To learn more, visit https://www.emptyshell.us/xm556-microgun/.

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