Magician David Blaine Catches Bullet in Mouth

in Authors, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

David Blaine has risen above the title of “magician,” at least in my book.  I think dude has reach “wizard” level because some of the stunts he pulls nowadays would even have the great Gandalf shaking his head in disbelief.

I’ve been following him for awhile not and it seems that throughout the years Blaine has evolved from street magic, impressive card tricks and levitation, to endurance performances, standing in a block of ice for days, holding his breath for nearly 9 mins, to reckless acts of incredulity, like shooting himself with a .22LR — in the mouth!

Whatever he has in store for his audiences, Blaine has certainly moved beyond the threshold of what one would expect from a run-of-the-mill magician.  Like, when he stabbed a needle through his arm — that’s a whole new level, right?

Don’t get me wrong, Blaine still enjoys pedestrian card tricks, but he has also shown an uncanny ability to push the boundaries of what is real and what is possible.  The swallowing the frog on Jimmy Fallon was an interesting spectacle.

Anyways, as with any video that depicts one shooting oneself or allowing a bystander to shoot oneself, we highly recommend that you do not try this at home.  Remember, David Blaine is a magician wizard.  He’s spent a lifetime perfecting his wizardry.  Plus, he’s probably got an excellent insurance plan if something does go wrong.

So, again, do not try his wizardry at home!  You haven’t been to Hogwarts and you’re not insured!

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