LethalLace: Concealed Carry Gun Wraps for Women (And Fat Guys) – SHOT Show 2018

in Authors, Industry News, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2018

The best analogy I could come up with for LethalLace is that of an ACE bandage.  You know, when you sprain your ankle, you wrap it in a flexible ACE bandage to hold it steady while it begins to heal.

LethalLace: Concealed Carry Gun Wraps for Women (And Fat Guys) - SHOT Show 2018

LethalLace is a wrap that secures your carry gun to your body.

LethalLace is like a giant ACE bandage that has a couple of pockets, one for your concealed carry pistol and one for personal items or maybe a spare mag.

To use it, you place the gun in the pocket, hold it against the desired location on your body, and begin wrapping it around your waist (or hip or chest or calf or ankle, etc.) so that the LethalLace is tightly secured. But not too tight. You don’t want to cut off circulation. Once you run out of slack, you use a clip to fasten the end onto the wrap.

LethalLace also comes with a neoprene foam pad that sits in the firearm pocket.  It acts as a cushion so the gun doesn’t rub or dig into your body.  But it is removable for those who want to reduce bulk.


  • Four Colors of Lace
  • Two Colors of Non-Lace
  • One-Size Fits Most
  • Length: 92″
  • Two Pockets
  • Extra Long Size Available
  • Durable Fabric, Does Not Lose Elasticity
  • MSRP: $51.99


With a name like LethalLace it’s clear that this was designed for women.  But they do have unisex options that do not have that lace aesthetic.  Available in both black and nude colors.

As someone who has developed a bit of a paunch over the years, I’d be interested to see how this would compare to some of the belly band options on the market.  What are the pros and cons of using one versus the other?  Something worth investigating in the future.


LethalLace: Concealed Carry Gun Wraps for Women (And Fat Guys) - SHOT Show 2018

Retail for the LethalLace if $51.99.



LethalLace: Concealed Carry Gun Wraps for Women (And Fat Guys) - SHOT Show 2018

There are four colors options, including black, pink, green, and nude.


Many of the traditional holster options out there can be a bit uncomfortable for guys who don’t have the athletic-type build we once did.  Especially if we plan to carry all day.  I think LethalLace might fit that niche nicely.

My only concern with this product is, well, dropping the firearm while trying to wrap the fabric around my body.  I’m sure with practice it becomes second nature.  But initially, I’d be worried about my gun falling out while I’m getting familiar with the system.  Maybe my fear of this happening is overblown.  Judging by the demonstration in the video, it doesn’t seem to be an issue.  However, I figured I’d mention it.

LethalLace: Concealed Carry Gun Wraps for Women (And Fat Guys) - SHOT Show 2018

The LethalLace can be placed almost anywhere on your body.


The LethalLace retails for $51.99.  For more information and to view some of the other products available, visit LethalLace.com.

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