Lars Larson: ‘Fix the Problem, Arm More Americans’ — SHOT Show 2015

in Authors, Interviews, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2015, This Week

Nationally syndicated talk show host Lars Larson is a cool dude. I was just sitting there working on a story in the hallway outside of the media room at the 2015 SHOT Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, when I saw Lars broadcasting live from a small, what-appeared to an impromptu radio cubicle.

During a commercial break, I walked over to him and asked him if he’d do a quick interview with GunsAmerica. Normally, even those who are gun-friendly media personalities are not inclined to do an interview on the fly at a moments notice. They typically like a heads up so (a) they can vet you and your publication and (b) they can have some time, even if it’s 10 mins or so, to prepare.

But Lars was ready to go. “Sure, let’s do it,” he said enthusiastically.

I must admit, I had never listened to his show before. That’s probably because I don’t listen to a lot of talk radio. With that said, I really like what he had to say. And next time going on a road trip, I’m certainly going to either download his podcast before I leave or see if I can find him on the AM/FM dial.

Here are the highlights from the interview (for those of you who refuse to watch the video):

“Bloomberg’s a nannystater.”

“The kinds of things he proposes will not fix the problem. The way to fix the problem, frankly, is to arm more Americans.”

“We have lower rates of violent crime in states where people carry routinely and regularly.”

“If Bloomberg really wanted to address safety he’d encourage more Americans to carry concealed…”

“They [the founders and framers] wanted every average person in this country to be able to own and bear an arm.”

“It’s about eliminating gun ownership altogether. They’re after hunters, they’re after sportsmen, they’re after gun enthusiast and they’ll pick off the easy ones from the outside of the herd before they go after the ones in the center of the herd…You start with things that might have sounded reasonable in one day and age, they’re not reasonable at all. Anyone requiring people to turn in magazines above a certain size or if you have to fill out mounds of paperwork that person is ultimately after prohibiting you from having a gun.”

Needless to say, Lars gets it.

What are your thoughts? Are you familiar with Lars? Are you a fan?

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