Korwin: 2A Infringers Should be ‘Tried, Convicted, Imprisoned’ — SHOT Show 2016

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Authors, Current Events, Interviews, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2016, This Week

At SHOT Show 2016, I had a chance to talk with GunsAmerica contributor and publisher of Bloomfield Press Alan Korwin. While Korwin submits articles to GunsAmerica on a regular basis, it’s rare that we get a chance to chat and explore some of the topics we write about in person. It’s mainly for logistical reasons, he lives in Arizona, I live in Kentucky.

One of the subjects I wanted to ask Alan about was his thesis on the effort by gun-grabbers to subarm America. What is subarming America? Well, it’s basically the process of making civilians less armed than officials, thereby shifting the balance of power from the people to the government.

As Korwin explains in our video, “The main purpose of the Second Amendment that rarely gets mentioned is about the balance of power, so that the officials, the government and the public are equally empowered by firearms and the use of force. They have guns, we have guns and there is a balance of power that maintains our freedom.”

As we all now know, that balance of power is now way out of whack. Via the National Firearms Act, the Gun Control Act of 1968, and a host of other gun control legislation enacted at the federal and state level, citizens are no longer permitted to be fully armed like their government counterparts. In effect, we are subarmed — not optimally armed.

From the looks of things, it’s only going to get worse. The government has access to weaponry and technology that citizens can only dream of. Meanwhile, the right to keep and bear arms is constantly on the chopping block. So, as the government becomes ultimately armed, the citizen continues to be subarmed, and in certain cities (NYC, Los Angeles), totally disarmed.

Alan Korwin, visit his website GunLaws.com.

Alan Korwin is the author of 14 books, has been invited by the U.S. Supreme Court twice to observe oral arguments and runs the website GunLaws.com.

The real question is how to we restore the balance of power. How do we as citizens put a stop to those who wish to subarm America?

“We have to understand that any effort to subarm the public is an infringement and the Second Amendment tolerates no infringement whatsoever,” said Korwin. “So any politician who infringes upon us by limiting the kind of guns, the kinds of ammo, or the amounts we have is violating the oath of office and deserves to be tried, convicted and imprisoned.”

In an ideal world, there would be a lot of politicians — Obama, Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer, Bloomberg, etc. — currently serving terms in prison. But unfortunately, the public has become way too tolerant of those that wish to trample our Constitutionally-protected rights.

Read Alan’s articles on the effort to subarm America:



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