Kandiss Taylor to Demolish Georgia Guidestones

in Authors, Paul Helinski

There is a division happening in America right now, and if you have been asleep until now, it is time to wake up and pick a side. Otherwise the side has already been picked for you, and if you are a red blooded gun loving American, it probably isn’t the side you would choose.

I went to see 2000 Mules last night, which is a step by step documentary with clear evidence that the 2020 election was stolen by the current regime. They documented 2000 “mules,” who dropped hundreds of thousands of ballots into drop boxes across all of the swing states in our formerly great Republic.

The “leak” of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade this week was probably to fill the news with something besides 2000 Mules. If you can’t find a theater, watch it online this weekend. Subpoenas have now been issued in Georgia after state officials completely ignored the evidence for seven months.

Those of you who have stood on the sidelines and parroted “conspiracy theory” accusations that were fed to you by the fake mainstream media, you my former friends, have destroyed our Republic. Your mental laziness has taken away the most important freedom we had, to be able to choose our leaders. And if there was any doubt at all that the 2020 election was stolen, which there was not, if you break out of your shell and go watch that movie, you will understand your grave error.

We have already lost the Texas primary for governor to Greg Abbot, who is a big faker and not on your side Texans. Now Georgia is coming up, and as it gets closer we will be contacting our GunsAmerica fans from Georgia to remind them to vote on May 24th. We have to take down Brian Kemp the incumbent, and we only get one shot at this. Yes, they are going to cheat, but more and more people are watching now.

Kandiss Taylor has an overwhelming level of grassroots support, and she is definitely not full of shit. She has proposed ten executive orders to be executed on day one of her governorship. They involve sweeping reforms to the school and adoption systems, a ban on mandates for masks and vaccines, and even a funding for a new Georgia State Guard.

The 10th order was released this week. It is to demolish the Georgia Guidestones. If you are unfamiliar with this monument, it is a proposition for a New World Order that involves reducing humanity to 500 million people, and nine other guidelines.

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

Which means they want to eliminate you and yours. And for those who are left, they want one world government, one world court, and the will of man to govern and guide your entire life. Completely absent is any recognition of a Creator, or universal lawgiver, besides the useless oligarch jackasses who wrote this.

If you have been asleep this whole time, got the death shots, etc., you probably think that something like this is protected by the 1st Amendment. You are the same people who allowed satanic parades in the town square, and the rise of rampant pornagraphy, because you were afraid to say no. You were afraid to offend. You were afraid.

The division in America is not between the “left and right” or Replublicans and Democrats or “liberals and conservatives.” It is between the brave and the scared.

Those of us who are willing to stand up and speak to the truth, to use our real names, and to proclaim that we have a Creator in charge of this world, not George Soros and Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, we will either succeed or die on this hill trying. Many of you know that I am an orthodox Jew and believe me, all of us who worship a G-d (yes that’s a Jewish thing) outside of ourselves are all on the same side for this one.

Kandiss has a simple platform. JESUS, GUNS, AND BABIES
MORALITY OVER MONEY! Please show up and support her, either by just voting on May 24th in Georgia, or by helping with signs and contacting people, or financially.

The power structure is finally allowing Kandiss to participate in public debates and she is slaying them. Here is the most recent.

It is your choice to vote or not vote, and of course for whom you wish to vote. Just don’t stay on the sidelines and allow your future, and the futures of all the people you love, to be picked for you. It’s time to wake up.

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