Vice President Joe Biden Gives More Gun Ownership Advice

in Authors, Rapid Fire, S.H. Blannelberry, SHOT Show 2016, This Week

Vice president Joe Biden, who is not known for giving sound gun ownership advice, sounded off again on how one ought to exercise one’s right to keep and bear arms.

In a video published last month by “Now This,” Biden argued that one should purchase a smart gun.

“Only you are able to pull that trigger, anyone else can pick the same weapon or gun up, and they cannot pull the trigger,” said Biden. “It will not function.”

It appears Biden believes that the purchase of smart guns is the quickest way to a safer America without infringing on the Second Amendment.

“None of those kids would be [accidentally] killed, if there were smart weapons,” said Biden.

There is no doubt that smart guns have an appeal to a wide range of prospective and current gun owners. That said, the fact that Biden, who has a history of supporting gun bans, is the one making the sales pitch for smart guns rubs this viewer the wrong way.

I mean, why does Biden think he’s in a position to tell me what’s best for my household or my personal defense needs?  He wants to restrict my 2A rights and limit my options for self-defense.  Why would I ever take advice from him, someone who believes that AR-15s are hard to aim and inferior to other firearms?

Just as his comments about home defense — “ifire two blasts outside the house” with a double-barreled shotgun if there’re any problems — were out-of-touch and unwelcomed, so are his thoughts on smart guns.

It’s not the government’s job to tell the people how they ought to arm themselves.  So, sorry, uncle Joe.  I’ll purchase the weapons that I need, not the ones that have your stamp of approval.

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