It’s Official!  Allen West Will Try to Oust LaPierre at NRA Annual Meetings

in 2nd Amendment – R2KBA, Current Events, This Week
It’s Official!  Allen West Will Try to Oust LaPierre at NRA Annual Meetings
Lt. Col. Allen West, USA, Ret. wants to be the next Exec. VP of the National Rifle Association. (Photo: Twitter/West)

News broke last week that several former and current NRA board members would like to see someone other than Wayne LaPierre at the helm of the nation’s gun lobby. 

Citing the organization’s ongoing legal issues and its admission that Wayne received “excess benefits” to the tune of $300,000 during his tenure as executive vice president (money that he’s since paid back with a personal check), the concerned members tapped former Congressman Allen West to be their guy.

Well, after taking the weekend to pray on it some, it’s now official.  West announced Monday that he will take on LaPierre at this year’s NRA annual meetings and exhibits.

“In the military, we have a saying, it is that Warriors move to the sound of the guns. It is with sincere humility that I have consented to my nomination to be Executive Vice President of the National Rifle Association,” said Col. West, in a press release obtained by GunsAmerica. 

“History has taught us that when the people are disarmed, they are subjugated, enslaved to tyranny and totalitarianism,” he continued. “The Nation’s oldest civil rights institution is the National Rifle Association. I would be honored to secure that legacy going forward for future generations of legal, law-abiding American citizens and gun owners.”

West said that his top goals “are to restore the honor, integrity, and character of this venerable organization along with refocusing on our core competencies, shooting sports/marksmanship, and defense of our Second Amendment constitutional right.”

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But not everyone wants to see Wayne go. 

Former NRA President David Keene wrote a blistering opinion piece this week in which he crushed West as a potential candidate and defended LaPierre’s record.   

“The fact that those who would take Wayne down have settled on Allen West as their preferred replacement tells a person more than anything else. It tells you that while professing an interest in the future success of the NRA, their real interest is simply to get rid of Wayne regardless of the consequences,” wrote Keene.  

“Putting Allen West into a position, which requires managerial competence, would amount to malpractice,” Keene went on to say. “Perhaps in choosing Allen West, their intent is simply to destroy NRA and all that Wayne has worked over these many years.”

Keene is convinced that this attempt to unseat LaPierre will fail.  He also contends that Wayne is still the right person for the job.  

“No one is perfect. Wayne has sometimes trusted people who didn’t deserve that trust. I doubt if he or any of us can claim we’ve always been right about everything. But no one could have done a better job for us over years of service, or for America’s gun owners and the Second Amendment, than Wayne,” said Keene. 

The NRA board will vote on Monday, May 30, 2022.  Stay tuned for updates.

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