IRS to Hire 87,000 Agents, Some Will Need to ‘Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary’

in Current Events, Police State, S.H. Blannelberry, This Week

The Internal Revenue Service is hiring!

With President Joe Biden signing the “Inflation Reduction Act” into law this week, America’s taxman will receive a generous boost in funding to the tune of about $80 billion, a hefty chunk of which is earmarked to hire new employees.

While there’s been a dispute online about the number of new agents the IRS will hire — a May 2021 report from the Treasury Department put that figure at around 87,000 — the agency hasn’t officially disclosed its plans.

What is clear, however, is the IRS wants more workers to bolster tax compliance to bring in more revenue.  To help achieve this goal, the agency is looking for Criminal Investigation (CI) special agents.  

CI is the law enforcement branch of the agency.  Its special agents, apparently, must be really willing to bring the hammer down on suspected tax cheats.  

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Consider this CI special agent job posting, which under the category of “major duties” lists, “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.” 

(Note: It appears the IRS has removed that “deadly force” requirement from its “major duties,” but not before someone got a screenshot and posted it to Twitter.)

For those, like Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who believe that federal income tax is theft, this is a shot across the bow.

“This bill has new IRS agents and they are armed, and the job description tells them that they need to be required to carry a firearm and expect to use deadly force if necessary,” Boebert said on Twitter.

“Excessive taxation is theft. You are using the power of the federal government for armed robbery on the taxpayers,” she continued.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was also critical of the plan to swell the ranks of the IRS.

“Democrats want to make the IRS larger than the Pentagon, the State Department, the FBI, and the Border Patrol combined,” he Tweeted. “That’s a terrible idea. We should abolish the IRS!”

Given that our national debt is over $30 trillion, it’s highly unlikely that lawmakers on either side of the aisle will vote to defund, let alone, abolish the IRS.

That said, do IRS agents really need to be armed? Isn’t there an easier way — a less menacing way — to ensure compliance by simplifying the tax code, say, via a flat tax?

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