Inland Manufacturing M1 Carbines– Rebirth of an Old Name

in Sam Trisler
Like I said, the appeal of the historical is the entire drive behind the new Inland brand.

Like I said, the appeal of the historical is the entire drive behind the new Inland brand.

History buffs and reenactors take note–Inland Manufacturing has announced the launch of their new incarnation of the old M1 Carbine line. That is right, I said Inland. But this is not the former division of General Motors that is known for its war time production of American arms. This is a new company with new production firearms.

Inland will be making two models: a straight stocked and a paratrooper with a folding stock. The two carbines are outfitted like the late war models with adjustable sights, push button safety and the mag catch that supports the 30 round magazines. The Paratrooper has the correct barrel band without the bayonet lug. The standard model has the later style with the lug. We recently had the chance to see both models side-by-side with original Inlands, and we had to get in close to tell the difference.

Over all the two examples we were able to handle looked great and held up when next to the originals. The stampings are even close to correct with a few minor differences that were chosen to stop the new Inlands from being mistaken for originals. Take a look at the photos and see for yourself. Inland was kind enough to supply us with some of their images as well. They also promised us a review gun, so stay tuned for that. The MSRP will be around $1000. More info will be available soon from MKS Supply.


In the right light, the new production stocks are easier to identify.

In the right light, the new production stocks are easier to identify.


At heart, it is a true historical piece. But you can shoot it all you want.

At heart, it is a true historical piece. But you can shoot it all you want.



The wood has a slightly aged patina.

The wood has a slightly aged patina.


Twins? Not exactly, but you have to look close.

Twins? Not exactly, but you have to look close.



Side by side with an original. Apologies for the poor lighting.

Side by side with an original. Apologies for the poor lighting.


Fit and finish are what you'd expect for this price range.

Fit and finish are what you’d expect for this price range.



We'll have a review gun in soon, and put it through its paces.

We’ll have a review gun in soon, and put it through its paces.

[/one_half][one_half_last]Inland 077[/one_half_last]

[one_half]Inland 080[/one_half][one_half_last]Inland 081[/one_half_last]


They don't look exactly like new production would have in 1945.

They don’t look exactly like new production would have in 1945; they look more like closet classics.


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